People, Person (Johnlock)

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John Watson had had an awful day. His leg had been acting up and all he wanted was some rest or for that damn Synth he'd ordered to arrive. He paid the taxi driver and limped towards his flat. 221B Baker Street. Home at last. There was a package on his doorstep, much taller than he was. Damn. Didn't they regulate the height of these damned things? Bloody Persona Synthetics. He huffed, but carried the package up, complaining the whole way up the stairs.

He put the box upright and opened it, stepping back and folding his arms. The Synth was pale, with high cheekbones and curly black hair. He had plain blue clothing, a shirt and a trousers, similar to nurses clothing, but different fabric. His eyes remained closed.

"Ah... Do you come with an instruction manual?" John asked. The Synth remained still, almost strangely. John looked up, there was a box above the Synth's head. "Right. There."

He got the box out and opened up the manual. "Alright, so I can turn you on by doing... this?" He pressed a spot underneath his chin. The Synth beeped, whirred, and open its eyes.

"Hello. Are you the Primary User?" Its voice was masculine and smooth and its eyes were ice blue.

John nodded. "Yes, I believe that's me."

"The Primary User must be bonded through skin to skin contact, such as a handshake."

"Alright then." John stuck out his hand for a handshake, and the Synth responded. It beeped again and his eyes turned green.

"Primary User bonded. What is your name?" It didn't blink for long periods of time, quite unnervingly.

"Er, John Watson. What's yours?" He mentally scolded himself. This machine wasn't human. It didn't have feelings, and it wouldn't hold conversations with him. He was here for medical reasons only.

"My name is William, John." He sounded so calm. No. It couldn't sound calm.

"Right. William, can you make some coffee, please?" John walked over to his chair and looked at the chair opposite.

"Yes, John." He walked out of the box he had been in and walked towards the flat's kitchen.

John opened his computer and started typing up a new post for his blog. Today's was about his work and about his new Synth.

"William?" John called. "I need to take a picture of you." William walked in with a tray with a single mug on it.

"Yes, John." He put the tray down on the coffee table and walked back a few steps. John snapped a picture using his phone and uploaded it to the blog, commenting briefly on the exorbitant price but saying how thankful he was for free healthcare and posted a reminder that this Synth was only there for health and convenience reasons.

"Er... You can leave now. Can you make some dinner?" John stopped typing for a moment, uncomfortable under the gaze of the Synth.

"Yes, John." He left, his slippers providing no noise. John finished typing his blog and continued looking through the box for extra information. There were two cards about what the Synth could do, some support cards, and a small packet that said 18+ options. John turned red and put it back in the box hurriedly. There would be no need for that one.

"Your dinner is ready, John." William's deep voice surprised him, and he stood up, using his cane.

"Right. Okay. What are we having?" Damn it. He had let himself believe that the Synth was human again.

"I have prepared some pasta." It was strange how emotionless his face was. John limped over to the table as William placed the food in front of him and sat down with him. John ate silently, and William watched him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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