Chapter One- Movie Night.

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''Hey Blanqui, how about we go downstairs to the living room so that we can watch a movie?'' I asked, exuberantly.

''That sounds like a good idea Liam, what movie would you want to watch?'', she replied swiftly and enthusiastically.

''How about one of the Batman movies? Maybe the Dark Knight? I love heath Ledger as the Joker in that movie''.

''Yeah okay, let's watch that!'', Blanqui said, jumping up and down with excitement.

It was rather cold, we was in the middle of winter, it was barely even 6 degrees outside, so I said to Blanqui;

'' I'll meet you in the living room, I will get the movie all set up, bring down your blanket to keep up warm'', I demanded.

''Okay bossy'', she replied, while winking at me. Damn, I always love it when she winks at me like that.

I was downstairs on the couch by now, I turned on the tv and set up the movie. I paused the movie right at the beginning so that Blanqui wouldn't miss any of it. Moments later, down she came with her warm snuggly blanket.

''Yay you brought it with you! That looks so warm and cosy. Now come here and cuddle with me I said''.

I was looking forward to just laying on the couch and cuddling with her, I was more interested in just being close to her rather than actually watching the movie. We got under the blanket together and started cuddling into one another.

''This is so nice Liam, I really needed this after such a stressful day at school'', Blanqui said. With and expression of grimace on her face.

''Exams again?'' I asked, while taking a deep breathe in, and letting It out again, sighing.

''Yes, I just can't keep up with all the revision, it's too much. But thank you for this, for being so thoughtful, watching a movie with you will take my mind off of my exams''.

We was now twenty minutes into the movie, Blanqui kept on asking me questions about the movie, she had never seen It before. As I was explaining a part of the movie to her, her older brother, Rodrigo walked in.

''Hey you two love birds'', he said, laughing.

-Me and Rodrigo are good friends, the first time we met we got on well, we bonded over football and other guy things.

''Hey Rodri'', I replied, with a grin on my face, while pulling Blanqui in closer to me. Blanqui stayed silent, she seemed very peaceful and tranquil in my arms.

''How are you both?'', Rodri asked. But before I could even reply he quickly said; ''Ohhh guys, is this the Dark Knight?!''

''Yes it is, wanna watch it with us?'', I asked.

''No i'm okay, I will only cramp your style, he muttered under his breath.

''Don't be silly Rodri, watch it with us'', Blanqui said, thoughtfully.

So he did; Rodrigo sat down on the couch opposite to us, and started to watch the movie with us. About 5 minutes later, Blanqui turns her head to look at me and we make sustained eye contact. Looking into her chocolate eyes was one of my favorite things to do, they are such beautiful eyes. We say nothing to each other, but just stare into one another's eyes. She moves her head in close to me, I can feel her warm breath on my lips. I look over to Rodri to make sure he isn't watching, and then I move my head in and plant a kiss on Blanqui's lips. The kiss lasts for longer than I thought it would, with Blanqui's older brother being in the room, I thought she might feel uncomfortable kissing me while he was there, but she seemed okay with it. After a good 10 seconds, I moved my head away and stared at her once more, before moving in and pressing my lips against hers once again. I got a little carried away and opened my mouth, inserting my tongue into her mouth, we started massaging one another's tongues slowly, but deeply.

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