Chapter Two- The Morning After.

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After a restful sleep, I woke up feeling refreshed and well rested. I just loved sleeping next to my girlfriend, it always helps me sleep better knowing that she's next to me. When I'm alone, I'm usually sleep deprived because I continually wake up throughout the night. Blanqui was just perfect to cuddle, her soft skin felt so amazing against my skin, and she was always warm, so I never felt cold in bed with her.

I reach for my phone on the bed side table next to me. As I reached for it, the bed creaked, so I quickly got my phone and checked my notifications- Well, lack of. I accidentally woke Blanqui up from moving. She opens her eyes, and makes a tired grumbling sound.

"Good morning baby girl". -she always loves it when I call her baby girl, so I thought maybe that would be a nice thing for her to wake up to. After greeting her, I kissed her on her forehead which made her cuddle in tightly to me.

"Did sleeping beauty sleep well?", I asked in a soft voice.

Blanqui tried to respond but couldn't; her throat was blocked from her snoring during the night. Yes, she snores, really badly. But that doesn't bother me, she was so cuddly that I always instantly fell asleep, and I would barely ever wake up, even her snoring didn't wake me up so it wasn't an issue. After a couple of coughs to clear her throat, she was finally able to respond without sounding like an 80 year old woman.

"Good morning Li", she greeted me with a smile. She looked so cute in the mornings with her half-open tired eyes, her messy hair, and the Disney pyjamas that she likes to wear, they are her favourite ones.

She continued to speak in her soft but slightly croaky morning voice; "your sleeping beauty slept really well, I don't think I woke up once", she stated. This made me really happy, I love it when she gets a good nights rest, her health is of vital importance to me.

''Hey, spoon me, I wanna be spooned!'' Blanqui said with a huge smile on her face. Obviously, I wasn't going to say no to spooning her, spooning is one of my favorite things to do with her. I was just wearing my boxer shorts- I do not sleep in pyjamas, I never have. Blanqui, well she was in her cute Disney pyjamas, but the material was a thin which is better for spooning, because then you can feel their curves better. I was pressed up against her; Blanqui's bum was press against my crotch, it felt so nice to be cuddled up together like this.


''Yes liam?'' She replied quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

''So umm, i'm pretty sure that I heard your brother umm'', I paused.

''Heard him what?'', she asked.

''Heard him masturbating last night. You already fell asleep and I could hear him groaning a little, and I could also hear the, you know... Sound of his hand on his dick''.

Blanqui took a few seconds to answer. ''Woahhh'', she said full of surprise. Before saying, ''Well he did have a boner, so I guess he wanted to take care of it''. Blanqui giggled a little bit.

''I guess he really enjoyed seeing your tits last night huh? And I don't blame him either. I can't believe he kissed you, and you made out with your brother though!'', I said in amazement, still shocked from last night.

''I guess he did enjoy seeing them *giggles*. But n-neither can I Liam, I didn't expect him to kiss me, and it all happened so fast''.

''Ehh, it sure did. But you still kissed him back, and that was naughty. But very, very hot I must say''.

I don't think Blanqui expected me to say that I thought it was hot, because of how she reacted.

''Oooh really? You think it was? I must admit, my brother is a really good kisser''.

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