Chapter 4- Old Friends Are Back

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    "Gage!" I ran into his arms before he could even do anything. I missed him so much. I can't imagine a life without him.

    It was finally Monday that means everyone will be here soon. The invites are out, me and my mom started making decorations and deciding on a seating chart. It was all going smoothly.

    "I love you Morgan," Gage whispered into my ear as warm lips kissed my neck. I greated them and didn't let go.

    "I love you too and now that you are here we can start the good stuff for the wedding. I need help with the cake, food, transportation, etc..".

    I went on and on to Gage who had a bright smile on his face. My hands were laced around his neck with his hands gripping my waist tightly.

    "I think we can pull this wedding off but first I really want to take you into a room and make love to you," Gage growled hungrily as his eyes searched my face. He quickly licked his lips before capturing me into him.

    I was surprised but I quickly accepted him. Our lips massaged each other back and forth, not wanting to break apart for one second.

    He is a perfect person. He is for me only. I can't wait to live my life with him forever.

    "Break it up lovers." A familiar voice interrupted our makeout session but who cares.

    I broke away from Gage to see Jelena wearing sunglasses to block the bright, hot sun. She wore black shorts and a bright pink tank top with some black sandals.

    "Jelena!" I ran from Gage and into Jelena's arms. Our bodies collided hard sending us both down onto the grass.

    I felt a ping of pain from my butt but who cares. Our bodies are wrapped around each other in a tangled mess.

    "I fucking missed you!" Jelena cried out burying her face into my neck. I did the same to Jelena as we both cried in each others arms.

    "It's been forever."

    We pulled apart to get a good look at each other. Jelena was the same girl but dyed her hair blonde for some reason. She still had her teen spirit in her from high school. She hasn't changed too much since we went our separate ways.

    "I know and you dyed your hair blonde. Why?" I asked taking a strand into my hand. I looked over and felt the soft blonde hair.

    "I wanted something different for once. Don't worry, I'm still the same Jelena you love," Jelena chuckled wiping away her tears. I laughed wiping away my own tears that formed.

    "Has Amy came yet?" Jelena asked pulling us both off of the ground.

    I smiled shaking my head no. Amy wasn't here yet but I trust she'll be here soon. Amy won't let me down, especially on my wedding.

    "Okay, it's such a beautiful day to plan a wedding. So since I love weddings, I typed out a list of stuff. Just check off what we did." Jelena passed me a paper that had a big list of things.

    I sighed looking at the bright blue sky of summer that was almost here. The sun was up high with wind blowing lightly to give relief of the heat somewhat. The animals played on this day that my friend came back to me.

    I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a warm, big hand and I knew who it was. My eyes wandered up the arm and came to Gage's beautiful eyes.

    "I'm starting to feel the stress already and the wedding is still a month away," I sighed tired already. I can feel worry and my anxiety coming forward.

    "Don't worry babe we got almost half of everything done. At least we got reservations for where we are having our wedding and where our dinner will be," Gage spoke reassuringly to me.

    I nodded because Gage was right. We do almost have everything done. I got the places where we will be at, playlist which is off the hook, bouquet, invites got sent out, and decorations are bought and ready to be put up.

    "Alright, so how about we all head inside and sort out what we need to do this week," I suggested grabbing Gage's hand in mind walking up towards the house.

    We entered to see my mom and Joe sitting around reading either a book or a newspaper.

    "Guys, guess who's here?" I questioned wth a grin on my face.

    My mom and Joe looked up. My moms face lit up and Joe narrowed his eyes on Gage.

    "So this is the man that's marrying my daughter?" Joe questioned getting up from his seat.

    I laughed nervously watching Joe stand in front of Gage who shifted uncomfortably by me. Joe was taller by a few inches so Gage was short.

    "Nice to meet you sir and yes, I'm marrying your daughter Morgan." Gage smiled looking over towards me. I smiled back happily that Joe wasn't making him completely scared.

    "I like you already. I can tell you really love Morgan. Welcome to the family, " Joe laughed taking Gage's hand in his as they shook. I was happy the are getting along already, it makes my heart melt knowing I made the right choice.

    "Guess who's back?!" My head whipped towards the door. Amy came through carrying her bags with sunglasses on her head.

    "Amy!" Me and Jelena yelled in unison before rushing to Amy with arms wife open.

    We both crushed Amy and sent her bags falling down. We didn't care and neither did Amy because she embraced us both back just as tightly.

    "I'm so happy to see you guys again. It's been forever and finally someone is getting married," Amy teased holding us away while searching over us like a mom does to her kids.

    "I'm not the only one that came either. Someone else came the same time I did for the wedding," Amy spoke looking a little happy and a little confused.

    I looked at Jelena who shrugged. We all look past the door to see a familiar person coming up the stairs.

    My heart dropped to my stomach as my palms began to sweat tremendously. I shook a little but tried my best to hide it.

    "Hey Morgan."

    My breath got caught in my throat and my brain could no longer function. I don't know what's happening to me.

    My eyes searched the man with black hair done nicely. The piercing in his ears are still there and his tattoo can still be seen peaking out from his grey shirt that hugged his body. His muscles showed through as my eyes wandered back up to his dark eyes that I haven't seen in years.


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