Chapter Two: Friendship/Devious

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It'd been a couple of days, Mr. Litwak was still on vacation it seemed. The games didn't mind it at all though. It meant vacation for them as well.

Especially for the munchkins, which one was currently exploring. Hallee. She was a bit shy to go into Vanellope's game for a second, but she went in and loved it. She looked around, and skipped along into the game.

She soon found herself wondering on the track. She didn't know it was a track though, and to make things worse, she didn't know that Vanellope and her friends were currently racing, for fun.

She was in the wring place at the wrong time because Bam!! Vanellope crashed right into Hallee with. Hallee was now stuck on the front of the car screaming,  as Vanellope was too.

"Hold on!!" Vanellope yelled and then grabbed Hallee's arm,  as she sped through a tunnel. "Climb in!" Vanellope yelled as she pulled Hallee beside her.

Hallee was in too much shock as they raced down the race track.

"Are you hurt?!" Vanellope asked.

" I'm fine." Hallee responded.

"Good! Hang on, cause we're finishing this race!" Vanellope said as she floored it,  Hallee screamed but has a big smile on her face now.

Vanellope looked behind her for a second to see if she was still in second place,  which she was,  but she was gaining on the first place racer,  which was Floyd. She smiled determined and floored it harder and then she pressed a button,  which made them go super speed,  and passed Floyd,  knocking him off the track.

He wasn't hurt though,  which Vanellope was happy about. She saw the finish line coming up,  and she was so happy and excited. She finished by passing the finish line,  and drifting sideways,  stopping. She breathed heavily, as did Hallee.

"That was awesome!!!  Your really good at racing!" Hallee said happily,  brushing her messy hair back to it's original form.

"Yeah? Thanks. I bet you'd be pretty good too though." Vanellope said as they both got out of the car.

"Eh..I dunno it seems really fun but..I don't know if it's what I'm good at." Hallee said.

"You never know till you try." Vanellope said. Hallee looked at her.

"Wait,  you mean..?" Hallee said. Vanellope nodded.

"Next Saturday at eight o'clock. Don't be late." Vanellope said. Hallee smiled happily.

"But..I don't have my own cart.." Hallee said.

"Pfft,  we'll make you one duhh." Vanellope said. "Don't tell anyone about any of this though!" She said.

Hallee nodded.  "I won't I won't." She replied.

"Good. See ya then." "Vanellope said.

Hallee skipped away happily,  knowing she'd be able to learn to race next weekend,  she was so excited. She skipped out and sugar rush and walked the rest of the way,  she took the train to Game central station and then hopped off.

She skipped again happily,  and was so happy she didn't look where she was going. Suddenly she bumped into something or someone and fell onto her bottom with an oof!

She looked up to see Felix standing over her looking concerned. "Sorry there lil missy,  I didn't see ya there." He apologized and helped her up to her feet." Hallee just stared at him shyly then looked down,  playing with her hands.

"'s okay." She replied. Felix smiled and gave her a pat on the head.

"Where are your sisters?" He asked.

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