Jalph - Haircut

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Idfk by here's my plot.

Similar plotline to original story. However, they are stranded for a about a year and a half. No one died and  Ralph, jack, Simon and piggy are 13-14. All the other kids are a year older. Also people who says Jack is unattractive, HOW DARE YOU. Oh and add lots of gay.

It had now been almost a year before they had been stranded on the Island. Almost a year since Ralph realised he was gay. Ralph now started to stir. His eyes slowly cracked open and was greeted with a mop of curly ginger hair in his face. Ralph sighed in relief and snuggled further into the warm body. Him and Jack had been together for around 7 months and it still never got old how safe he felt in Jacks arms. To both of the boy's joy, the other children were quite accepting of their relationship, but still fake gagged if they caught them kissing. Ralph was fine with that and was overall overjoyed at the fact that the tribe accepted them. The blonde tried to fall back asleep but in the end, gave up and decided it was best off just getting up. As he tried to leave, Jack held him tighter and Ralph could tell he was waking up.

" Don't leave yet " Jack mumbled, his voice raspy and sleep filled. Ralph loved Jacks morning voice and couldn't help but blush.

" But I need to get up " Ralph said softly. Jack shook his head.

" Noooo. Stay for a bit longer " Jack sounded like a whiny baby and Ralph chucked.

" Okay I'll stay for a little while " Jack smiled and pulled Ralph gently to his chest.

" Thank you baby " Jack murmured and drew patterns on Ralph's arm with his finger.

" Your Welcome " Ralph laid on Jack's chest and listened to the steady beat of his heartbeat, his own heartbeat matching Jacks. After a few minutes, Jack shifted slightly.

" What are we going to do today " Jack asked, looking into Ralph's piercing blue eyes. They were like pools of sapphire and were one of the many things that Jack loved about his boyfriend. Jack slowly sat up, making sure not to hurt Ralph and his vision was suddenly obscured. Ralph looked at him and giggled. Jack realises it was his hair and before he had the chance to push it away, Ralph lifted it up.

" Well I think you need a haircut " Jack groaned.

" But I'm shit at cutting hair " Jack complained. Ralph smiled.

" I know that. Which is why I'm going to do it " Ralph said matter-of-factly. Jack looked dubious and Ralph noticed " I'll do I good job I promise " Jack believed him and nodded to allow permission. Ralph quickly got the supplies which were in the next shack. Over the past year, the group had built a civilisation and now their was dozens of huts around the island. There was typically 3 per shack but with the elder boys it was 2. Jack and Ralph's was in the peaceful part of the forest and the closest inhabited shack was 1 km away. However, there shack had a supply place nearby as being the leaders, they were deemed the most responsible to look after everything. Ralph returned with a shiny iron knife and a bowl of mixture. It was regular stream water with coconut milk and banana oil, which was found to be great on the hair. The iron knife was found washed up on the shore and thanks to Piggy's superior knowledge on cleaning blades, the blade was clear of rust. Jack looked apprehensive as Ralph set the things down.

" Come over here " Ralph beckoned Jack over and told Jack to sit on a tree stump used as a chair. Ralph noticed Jack was surprisingly scared and then realised why. When he wasn't in the orphanage and lived with his father, his father would attempt to drown him repeatedly and now Jack was scared of getting amounts of water poured on him.

" Ralph I don't know - " Jack started. Ralph stopped him.

" I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I'll be really gentle " Ralph said tenderly, running his thumb over Jacks cheek. Jack pulled Ralph towards him, their lips meeting in a kiss. It was full of kindness and affection and when they broke off, Ralph was happy to see that Jack smiled.

" I'm ready now " Jack said bravely, his fears rapidly disappearing. Ralph smiled and picked up the bowl.

" Alright I'm going to need you to lean back now. That's right lean on my hand " Jack slowly leaned to position and Ralph congratulated him. Ralph then began to slowly pour the mixture on Jacks hair. Even though Ralph tried his hardest, a small amount of it fell onto Jacks face and Jack whimpered.

" Sorry babe. Sorry " Ralph said guiltily and apologised profusely.

" Its fine " Jack said quietly, although they both know it wasn't. Once the mixture had all soaked into his hair, Jack sat up and Ralph quickly wiped Jacks face. Ralph laid a soft kiss on Jacks eyelids, his cheeks and then his lips, feeling Jack respond and hold his neck. They broke apart and Ralph got out the knife.

" Now we've done the hard bit, now it's time for the easy part " Ralph started to work on his hair. Jack started to mindlessly chat to Ralph and they started a conversation while Ralph cut Jacks hair.

" Do you think anyone else is up? " Jack asked. Ralph thought for a moment.

" I think so. I heard Simon walking about earlier " Ralph answered him, inspecting his work. After a few more minutes, Ralph seemed satisfied and brushed all the excess hair away from Jack's shoulders.

" I'm done now. Your hairs mostly dry " Ralph said proudly and Jack became excited. Ralph grabbed a mirror, which they found in the wreckage, and gave it to Jack. Jack took one look and was shocked. His hair was a perfect length and and his curls were still there but not flyaway like before. The colour and condition of his has had improved too. It looked rich and with crimson hints in it, instead of frayed and more of an orange color  Jack couldn't help but let a grin fill his face.

" It looks amazing. Thank you " Jack beamed and hugged Ralph. Ralph felt pride and positivity flow around him and once finished their cuddle session, he grasped Jacks hand and they walked out to meet the others.

AAAAAAAAAAAND DONE! It's probably crap but hey let me know😄

Sorry its short ~ SC5902
And I didn't proof read this. I wrote it at 11 pm so I'm really tired

Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora