Poem I guess

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This ain't a one shot sorry.
I don't really know what this is, it's basically me

Do you ever get those days when you just don't feel anything?  It doesn't have to be days. They can last seconds, minutes, hours. It doesn't really matter.

You feel like life is meaningless and a waste. You feel like your friends never truly like you. You feel your family look at you and see disappointment. Your heart hurts but you just keep going but what for? It never works out.

You see everyone happy in relationships and in love and you feel so sad that that will never be you. Because your ugly, because your fat, because your not " white enough ". You'll never find anyone and it just adds to the list.

You see people hugging and kissing their family, rejoicing and playing. You could never have that. Your family barely show any affection towards you so why would you bother? There's no point.

You see people celebrating, being accepted by their loved ones. That could never be you. They don't even accept your gay, why would they accept that your agender too? They are all religious and support the Bible's every word. You don't get to come out. 

You see people happy with themselves, flaunting their bodies. Like hell would that be you. You can't even stop dragging razor blades into your arms, what the point of trying to get better? It always gets worse again.

You see people hanging out, having exciting times together. No way that would be you. Your a loser and annoying. Why would anyone want to hang out with that piece of trash? Your nothing.

The truth is nobody likes you. You'll never be happy and never start a family as who would want a worthless rat as a partner.

Story of my life

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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