The Journey Back

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              As you're praying the weight of your soul becomes lighter and your adversary fades away into the darkness. While in the presence of God you hear a voice stating I will never leave nor forsake you, I am with you always even until the end of the age. As you begin your journey back you can sense a holy presence surrounding you as you begin to roll back to shore.

                As RUSE fades back into the darkness the adversary of your soul, the devil, watches with indignation and states you belong to me and you will not escape me. The closer you draw to the shore the more you begin to hear voices. Fear begins to grip your soul. All your deeds are brought back to your memory , you wander" how can I face all those that I've wronged, lied to, hurt!" Nobody will accept me. As you draw nigh to the shore guilt rips your heart in half and tears begin to fill your eyes as sorrow crushes your soul. Guilt begins to destroy all hopes of redemption. The enemy of your soul begins to laugh at your anguish.

                   In your torment you begin to cry to God, the one who promised to never leave nor forsake you. As your praying a voice begins to speak to your heart saying I am with you and my love is sufficient to carry you through your darkest hour. Your enemy is defeated and you belong to me. I paid the price with my blood. He cannot separate you from my love. Trust me with all your heart and I will deliver you from the enemy of your soul. As you listen a smile begins to form on your face. You think to yourself the King of kings, the creator of the universe, the one who died for my sins has just spoken and brought peace to my tormented soul. As you arrive to the shore the preacher, the one who cried out to God daily for your soul comes with open arms. As you step out of your craft the man grabs you with love in his arms and welcomes you back.

                  Unseen by you another celebration has begun.  Your Angels begin to sing the song of redemption and all the angels in heaven join in with a mighty voice unto the King of kings thanking Him for the redeeming power of the blood, for without it there is no hope for the lost soul. Jesus stands up and speaks and you hear Him say I have a work for you to do there are many more such as you that need a preacher go out and reach them for the time is drawing near to the end.

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