Life is goodish

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So I've reconciled with an old friend that hurt me pretty bad. It's not anyone on wattpad, well technically it is it's just a dormant account. She (let's call her bob) hurt me and left some pretty deep scars, but I think I can forgive her. I'll try my best and hopefully things turn out all right.

But one of my friends showed me their chats with bob and apparently bob stated that one of my friends thought I deserved to be five starred ( hit on the back with much force) and necked (hit on the neck with much force) and bob claimed that my friend agreed with all the mean things said.

I don't want to believe that, but my friends been distant (in cell phone land) lately and I just don't know what to do or who to believe. I just really need someone to talk too.

But on the good side, my sweet, adorable waifu drew me a beautiful Christmas card. She is so sweet and adorable. I ❤️ her so much.

Wow it's been a while since I've ranted.

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