Awkward Storytime

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Sup guys

Ok, breathe, I'm about to share on the internet how socially awkward I am and I am going to regret it for the next ten years of my life.

Several guys have confessed or have had there friends confess for them to me, and being the awkward Asian kid whose not allowed to date till college, I.......uuuubbbtt!!! I would just, like, stare at them and deny it. Like.....why???

It would go something like this (all names are fake)

Bob: Um, hey. I've been meaning to say this for a while, but I really like you. I hope you feel the same way.

Me: Whaaaaat?!?! Psshhh! You're lying right....right?  Haha....that's a good was a joke right...?! *sweatdrops*


Me: should totally date my friend instead of me because she leads a more eventful life and doesn't waste her life living off anime, webtoons, and YouTube while slowly having an existential crisis.....he

Yeeeeeeee I was a sad child, and I still am. I've already had this happen twice this year. And i do the same thing when people try to be my friends.

If any of these people are reading this....I am sorry. 😐

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