Chapter three

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I stir my black coffee as I wait for Jo to turn up, she was late as always and I try and run through what I will say to her in my mind. How could I tell my best friend that I wanted to spend the half term with some hunky guy? It didn’t sound good anyway I put it, I miss her a lot at college but the thing is my mother was right; no matter how much I hated to admit it. And well Benjamin was interested, I think. I sigh and put the drink to my mouth it was warm and makes me relax.

“Allison! Oh my God, oh my God! I’ve met the per-r-rfect guy!” She grabs me by the arms and spins me round to face her, my head takes a while to catch up with the speed she was in.

“W-hat?” My mind half staggers out. She jumps up in front of me with her hands wailing; as she does when she is excited. I see we have attracted half of the shops attention and decide that we don’t want the rest; I pull her down into her seat pushing her latte I had so nicely ordered her.

“Slow down babe, run me through it.” I sit back and wait for her to tell me but deep inside I already knew, she had found someone and so had I. I smile as she tells me all about this perfect guy she had met and I feel so happy for her, she deserved to be happy she’s had nothing but bad luck.

“So, when you seeing him next?” She runs her fingers over the rim of her cup as she talks.

“Urmm yeah about that, I know this half term was just about us catching up –“

“Don’t worry Jo.” I say leaning my hand over the table to stop hers running round the cup.

“You’ve found someone, haven’t you?” I smirk at her and drop my head; I hated the attention on me.

“Oh my you have haven’t you? I can’t believe it both off us finding our dream guys!” I can feel her begin to rise and I quickly yank her down, not wanting another episode in the café.

“Yes, but right now this isn’t about me, it’s about you. So when are you seeing him next?”

“In ten minutes,” She winces in return for my reaction.

“Well you better get going then!” I laugh at her; she stands up and kisses my cheek.

“Mwah, I love you!” She scurries to the door.

“Jo I forgot to ask, what’s his name?” She smiles in pure happiness.

“Benjamin.” She then hurries out the door, smiling at me as she passes the window I put my thumb up to her in good luck but all the time the name whirls round my head. The feeling of a brick falling in my stomach makes me want to heave. It was just a coincidence right? A scary one at that, I feel someone sit down at where Jo was before and as I turn my head, I tut in disgrace and go red as I realise I have done it out loud.

“Before you say or do anything I just want to say sorry.” I look at the guy and think about how he should be sorry, he had told my date that I was an alcoholic. I ignore him and turn my head away from him, tempted to walk away but why should I leave? I was here before this douche bag.

“Look I was doing it for you.” I turn around and stare at his dull eyes, but then I realise they weren’t as dull as I thought – he wasn’t as dull as I thought.

“And how do you propose that?” I stare at him intensely but he doesn’t snap one bit under my gaze.

“Benjamin is trouble okay, just stay clear of him.” I laugh in his face, Benjamin was trouble? He was the nicest guy I have ever met, and unlike this dick in front of me I respected him.

“I’m telling you he’s trouble, look I’m sorry if I upset you but I couldn’t allow you to get hurt or get trapped into his web.”

“And how do you know this? Oh wait let me think of something cliché to match your cliché apology. He’s your brother? – Oh no wait that’s not it, he’s your evil step brother and you’re jealous because he gets all the girls? Please do me a favour and leave me the hell alone.” He stands up and I feel a little bit guilty letting rip, but he deserved it right?

“I was his best friend before he broke my sister’s heart.” He walks off into the crowd leaving my mouth hanging open and in that moment I realise I have never felt so utterly guilty in my whole entire life.

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