Will you love me forever?

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Alright I know I said the next chapter will be smut but I had to capitalize on engagement and get all the fluff out of the way and done. But I will be having a couple more chapters after so we don't just jump into the sex without any fluff to establish. And then move on to the smut~* I will have a smut chapter released tonight I promise! But I want the engagement to be established. Alright enjoy my little floofs!

Victors P.O.V.
Then stopped and said "Victor before we go any further I want to tell you something!". I asked "What is it?". "Victor i like you... I've liked you for a long while now actually..". He said blushing. "And all the time we have spent together.... it's heaven on earth. Um I've liked you for a while now and I think you are perfect. I love you!" He shouted his eyes shut and tears at the corners. "Yuri....". He looked hurt, he got up and started to walk away fast. I grabbed him by the shoulder. He yelled still facing away from me "You don't love me I get it!" He sniffled. I leaned in close and whispered "Who said I didn't love you?". His face froze. "Y-you like me?" He questioned. "Of course I do! You are the sweetest boy I know! And you are awfully cute..". I pulled Yuri to face me. "That's why I got you this.". I kneeled on one knee and said. "Yuri, will you make me the happiest man in the world?" I looked up at him he was crying. "Of course I'll marry you!!". Tears falling from his eyes I stood up and kissed him. We passionately kissed, our lips moving rhythmically. We sat there kissing beautifully. Eventually we broke for air. He looked at me and smiled then grabbed my hand. Suddenly an idea appeared in my head "Yuri! In celebration do want to go sightseeing walk around you know?!". He smiled and said "I'd love to!".

Ok guys I'm gonna end this chapter here! ARNT they cute! Well in the next chapter they are gonna be super cute much fluff is to come for you floofs! Then the smut~*! Again thank you for all the support! I love you all!! Bye my little floofs!✨💟🌸

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