The Wedding~*

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Hey guys these past couple of days have been CRAZY!! Today is the day that the smut WILL BE RELEASED!! Anyways let's get into it! See you soon my little floof bbys!!! LOVE U💟✨🌸

Victors P.O.V.
Today was the day... I was going to see my wonderful Yuri become my husband. My sweet beautiful, lovely Yuri become mine forever. I am so lucky to be blessed with the sweetes thing in existence. I love him with all of my heart and soul. He is the most wonderful thing in my life and i could never live without him.
He is perfect.... and I'll make him mine tonight~*

Yuri's P.O.V.
"You look great!" Minami beamed. "Thank you." I looked downward at the chair I was sitting in. "You look sad are you ok?" He said worriedly. "I'm fine.... I just don't know if I'm enough for Victor. I don't think I'm anything. I'm just an ice skater that got lucky off a video. I'm nothing. I'm worthl-." I got cut off with a hug. Minami was crying "How dare you say that! I've looked up to you for years! Don't put yourself down! You are so great! Victor loves you! He really does!! Dont you dare talk about yourself like that!!".

"You really think so?" "Of course I do!". I started to cry. We sat there crying just embracing each other. He finally broke it. "You are worth it Yuri look at yourself!". He turned me to a large mirror. I looked at myself I was wearing a pure white tux, with white roses in my hair. Large white beautiful roses. And my cheeks lightly dusted with a blush. I was beautiful. I smiled as tears ran down my face. I was worth it. And I was gonna give him all of it~*!

Victors P.O.V.
It was finally time. He walked down the aisle gracefully and beautifully. God I love him. He finally reached the altar. I took his hands in mine. Our hands fit together perfectly. I looked at him and saw his perfect face. His blushing cheeks, his chocolate eyes, and his soft lips.

Time skip

"You may now say your vows.".  I decided to start. "Yuri you are my day and night. My heart and soul. The moment I laid my eyes on you I knew you were the one. I want to spend the rest of my days with you. The way you love in the ice. Your graceful body and your kindness is the only thing I want in the world. Your personality is so developed and careful. Everything about you I love. And I could never love a person more than I love you."
He was crying during this. "I love you Victor!!". I love you too. You may now kiss your partner. Immediately I dipped him and had one his legs wrapped around me and the other on the ground. Our lips mashing together having the best kiss ever. Our tongues intertwining and swirling. Various cheers and screams were heard. Everyone clapped and enjoyed their time. We broke to get air. Our cheeks red and faces flushed. I picked up Yuri bridal style and yelled "Lets celebrate! I just got married to the cutest guy in the world!!"

We went out to the dance floor and slow danced. I grabbed his waist and pulled him close. He gasped and blushed. We forehead touched and danced slowly to the rhythm of the music. We kissed and smiled. I pulled him even closer and cherished his embrace. I love him so much.

Hey guys! So this chapter is done but it's on to the next chapter! Thank you for the support love ya!!💟🌸✨

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