🎶Are You, Are You?🎶

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A/N Hey guys! Sorry this update took so long. I actually wanted this chapter to be good so it took a bit longer. I also plotted out the ENTIRE rest of the book, so updates should be more frequent because I have eliminated the possibility of writer's block. There were also some personal things like my boyfriend broke up with me and family drama, but it's whatever. You guys aren't here for that, it just made writing a tad more difficult. But anyways, thanks for reading! Love you guys!


Ethan's POV

        I was not ready to go into the office today. The bags under my eyes made it look like I haven't slept in years. I was really glad I had videos prepared for the week because I did not have the energy to record. I walked in sipping a coffee hoping it would keep me awake.

"Good morning Kathryn," I said as I walked past her desk.

"Good morn-whoa. You look like you just crawled out of your own grave."

I shrugged my shoulders, "It was a late night."

"I can tell. What happened?"

I rubbed my hand across my face. 

Where to even begin with that? 

"So I met this girl yesterday..."

"WAIT! ETHAN SHUT UP I WANT TO HEAR THIS STORY," Mark's booming voice echoed from the other room. He and Tyler sat down and propped their heads on their hands like little kids waiting to be told a bedtime story. 

"Now you may proceed," Tyler said. 

I shook my head, "ANYWAYS, I met this girl yesterday. Super cute, really great to talk to and wickedly talented. She's an incredible musician. She moved out to LA yesterday to play at better venues. She...she just has the perfectionist mentality and...she just wasn't in a good headspace at all yesterday. So I stayed up really late helping her, and then stayed up even later about worrying about her. I just didn't want her to do anything stupid, ya know?"

"Are you still worried about her," Marked asked. 

"Yeah, I am. I think she's alone here."

"Well then, why don't you go home, check on her, and then get some sleep. Kathryn and I can take care of the editing today. As long as you're okay with that," He said looking over at Kathryn. 

"Yeah, I'm fine with that," she responded, "It's probably for the best anyways, I don't know how useful you'll be editing when you can barely keep your eyes open."

I smiled, picked up my things and began my trek back home. 

     I did not realize how valuable elevators were until I had to climb all of those stairs half asleep. I felt like I had fallen asleep on some random floor and was being lulled into a dream. I couldn't feel my body anymore but I could see my legs were moving, towards something. It was like a siren call, but softer, and it wasn't singing I was hearing. I finally stopped walking. I blinked a couple of times and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes trying to figure out where my sleep deprived self had walked me to. I was standing outside of Y/N's door. It was flute music that I was hearing. I didn't know what she was playing, but it was beautiful. It's melody pulled me into a trance. Before I could even register what I was doing, I knocked on her door. The music stopped, and my trance was broken. I stood there in silence, as if my body was waiting for the music to start up again. Instead, I heard little pats on the ground, and the creak slightly as it opened. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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