Love Isn't Enough

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"I never would've married you if I had known the truth!" I yelled at my husband, "Brian", as I stomped into the kitchen. I felt the weight of the baby I was once so happy to be having building mountains of pain in the way of my future.

"Lyra please, I didn't have a choice! No one could find out and it was an easy spot to fill! No one would have noticed and I wouldn't have to be telling you if it weren't for Uncle coming to check up on his nephew!" "Brian" explained following me. I turned away from his reaching hand and took a few steps back.

"Don't call him 'uncle'! You're not even related to him you identity stealing creep! How long were you going to keep this from me? I'm your seven month pregnant wife. I can't believe you! Is Brian even your real name?!" I asked, failing to calm myself down.

"Lyra, my real name is Rick. I was Brian's butler until he died in a fire while I went grocery shopping. I swear I didn't kill him, and I promise that I married you almost a year ago because I love you. I just saw an opportunity to be something better than what I was. I couldn't break it to his family that he died, and they hardly ever talk or visit him. I wasn't going to tell you because I wasn't expecting his uncle to be here. Please, you need to help me!" He begged holding my hands.

At first, I refused to look him in the eye. After a few seconds, I looked up and made contact with the brown orbs that I had adored since first glance. A sad feeling overwhelmed me, but I couldn't cry, not right now. I loved this man to death, but I never wanted this trouble to befall my son and our future family together.

I sighed and gently wrapped my arms around him. "I'll help you right now, but I don't want a mistake you made to hinder our child. He deserves better than this, better than parents who continue to lie and keep secrets from each other." He nodded his head and pulled away slowly.

I love you Lyra." He whispered and kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you too Rick, but I can't stay with here with you anymore. Love isn't enough to fix our problems this time." He stared sadly into my eyes and kissed me tenderly.

We turned towards the door and he grabbed my hand. Time passed quickly as we solved the problem, and in no time I had packed and gotten ready to leave for our summer house that will now be my new home with my child. I knew my life would never be like it had been when I was with him. I'll miss our talks, hugs, and kisses. But most importantly I'll miss him. His child will come to know the man I loved, but never see him.

I looked back once more as I opened the front door. His eyes were glossy, but he put on a smile and waved like I wasn't about to leave him forever.

Finally I shut the door after I walked out. I'll never forget this man. The man I love, who was acting as two people at once.

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