Too Late Now

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Help me...
It starts out as a soft whisper. When you notice a tiny change that feels like something petty, but you still want someone to talk to.

Help me...
Now it becomes a thorn in our side. You know something is wrong, but it still feels too petty to bother others for.

Help me.
It's a statement. You want someone to talk to. Your feelings need an outlet, but you smile through the pain. You don't want to be a bother.

Help me!
You need someone now. You know something is terribly wrong, but everyone else has their own problems. You'll wait until no one else is going through too much.

HELP me!
Everything is going horribly wrong. Your brain and your thoughts terrify you. You start hurting yourself to relieve this unspeakable pain. But you can't stop acting fine in front of others, it's a habit now.

You're drowning in sorrow and self-loathing. You're screaming for help at everyone and anyone, but it's too late. They don't hear you. Everyone's convinced you're fine. No one can help you.

There is only one option left...

Let's hope it's painless.

{A/N: Hey guys! It's been forever and I apologize!! Lots of stuff is going on right now. I'm rewriting "Taken" at the moment and working on a couple of books that aren't on here. I've started a new surprise project for Wattpad. I plan on doing a new routine and write a ton of chapters before hand to upload them at a specific time every week or every other week. I hope you all enjoyed this short story and I'm sorry it's so sad. I was going through a dark time when I wrote it. The next one is going to be sad too, so read at your own risk!!}

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