~Chapter 2~

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-Start of Chapter 2-

Your new owner, who you recently learnt her name, Hiromi Rei  was feeding you. You never tasted such great food, even if you past owner gave you fancy stuff. "(Y/N), would you like something to drink?" She smiled brightly, petting my head.  "Yes please!" I purred, making Hiromi kiss my forehead and leave to the kitchen. I blushed, she rarely shows such affection. Even to her family. 

Hiromi then started to walk out the kitchen with a cup of milk. "(Y/N), im going out for awhile. I have to buy more apples. Make sure everything is lock for me ok? I can't be late or else they'll close. Arigatou (N/N)!" With that, she rushed off, gripping her bag tightly while she fumbled with the keys.

Your POV:

I walked over to each windows and locked them. Even the basement window (a small window on the basement hatch. Its just big enough for a hand to slip in and unlock the door). "Nyaaah... Wonder what to do again..." I then snapped my fingers and ran up to my room. Hiromi had an bought a laptop for me when she found me a few days ago. I turned it on and saw something way off. My screen had the words:

Glitch-sama is ready to help.

I scratched my head and blurted out, "Glitch-sama?.." I flinched and ran to a corner when something bright came out of my computer. "Hai sempai. What do you need help with?" She looked at me with her piercing green-like code eyes. I shivered. "M-may i ask, who are you?"

"Im glitch-sama. Your master, Hiromi installed me in so you could have a friend. She wasn't trying to say you don't and won't get any. She justs wants you to experience it." I nodded. "S-so your not a virus?"

"Impossible sempai. She was the one who created me." She walked up to me and petted me. "You sure are adorable. Hiromi-chan was right." My eyes opened for a while, but it closed after awhile. I saw something sticking out of Glitch-sama's back. Being a cat, my hands went to grab and tug it. Glitch's face turned from emotionless to bashful in a few seconds. "Ah.. Th-thats my sensitive cord.. I don't know why Hiromi added it.

"(Y/N)-chan im home!"

"I'll tell you a secret. Hiromi's a neko too."

My eyes widened in disbelief as she slowly entered the computer. The door swung open, revealing Hiromi "Mum!" I ran to her and hugged her. "Sorry it took so long sweetie~ I had to sign you up for school."

 I showed her the 'i dont f*cking know what that is but im cool with it'. She chuckled and explained that a school was for kids, teens or grown-ups to study at.

I nodded. But then my curiousity got the better of me. "Mama, are you a neko like me?"

Her eyes show pure shock. "How did yo- Glitch-sama told you didn't she?" I nodded, making Hiromi shook her head lightly and laugh. "That dirty little turd." I smiled at her ways of trying to make her words kid-friendly, though it always fails. "Your going to school in a week's time, is that ok?" I nodded my head, excitedly.

-End of chapter 2-

Acheivement unlocked! 

Gained 'mew' friend! - Glitch-sama


Friend list: 2

Hiromi Rei,



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