•|• Prolouge •|•

16 2 2

Flash. The camera clicked fast as my cheeks started to ache. I let go of the fake smile that had just been plastered across my face. My shoulders began to slouch, "Don't you dare slouch young lady!" The snap of my mother's voice brought me back to realization as my spine snapped back up.

"Yes ,mother," I said with a sigh. Her face was cold as she turned on her heels walking to the door. I scrambled my items, on the way out I stopped by the photographer. "Thank you," I said with a light smile as I handed them some shillings.

When I stepped out the door my mother was already in the car typing away on her laptop. I pulled my sleeves down a bit on my arm trying to conceal the small birthmark of a heart on my arm.

My mother looked up at me through the window and glared. That's all I needed to hurry up. I tightened my hold on the bag in my hand and opened the car door and hoped in.

"Home, now," my mother said, not so pleasantly, to the driver.

"Please," I added sweetly. But saying that made me receive a scowl from my mother.

My mother scoffed, "If you're ever going to be like me," she now looked at me with a stern face.  "Then you can't always be treating people lower than you like their your equals."

I didn't agree at all with way my mother said and yet mumbled a soft, "I know ,mother."

I looked up to see if my mother had had any change in her face, it was all the same peppered hair in a tight pony tail taking away the wrinkles on her forehead.  Her face was as if she was getting ready to kill, she was furiously typing away and my curiosity got the best of me.  I looked over at her screen only to receive a painful slap on the tip of my forehead, my mother had missed.

"Haven't I told you to never look at my work, girl?!" she snarled at me.

"Yes you have mother, I'll never do it again.  I am sorry."  After that I just turned to look out the window, it didn't hurt much when my mother did this.  It happened normally through the months, I learned to not care about anything and build up walls.  I've always had a soft part for my parents, I don't understand why though.  I think I secretly want them, to love and cherish me like other parents do.

As I looked out the window I saw a five family laughing while they sung, they all looked so jovial.  Even though they were in poverty they acted as if nothing bad was happening.  I've noticed all the lower caste are happier then my own, all of my caste are just cold hearted.  Sometimes I think of running away and becoming a new person.   I know this will never happen though, you can't escape from a life already planned out for you.


We pulled up into the drive way finally, I aloud my mother to get out first and I stayed back a bit.

"I'm sorry for my mother," I say to the driver.  "She can be a bit rude at times."

The man only titled his hat, I tried to give him a tip.  Yet he resisted for some odd reason, "Well goodbye."  I stepped out the taxi and made my way up the pathway towards the mansion I called a home.  A lot of people said it reminded them of the White House from before the Great War.

Once I stepped into the house I kicked off the painful heels and ran up the stairs to my room.  I scrambled over to my closet as I went into the back, I hid most things here, and grabbed my stash of candy.  Along with the candy I took out my 'Movie snuggle pants' and tank top.  I set down the candy on the bed while I took off the pounds of yucky makeup.  I swear it took at least fifty wipes to get this stuff off.

I took off the dress I had worn for the photo shoot and put it in the hamper.  I brushed down my dark hair, it took a while due to the thickness, and placed it in a messy bun, finally in my sweats I jumped on the couch.  Making sure to grab my candy first, I then grabbed the TV remote from my bedside table.  I finally decided on a Tinker Bell marathon, my guilty pleasure.  My favorite part of Lost Treasure had just begun with the beautiful fairy theater.  I started to sing along to the lovely melody of the start, Hush fairies , hush fairies, for a fairy lore.  I started to eat my chocolate super fast like a animal as the suspenseful story went on.  Don't judge me, the best part was about to happen the fairies-

"Guinevere!"  my mother's horrid voice screamed up the stairs.

"Yes mother?!"  I screamed back hiding the candy under the bed as I wiped the chocolate off my face.

"When I call you that means come here!" She yells.   I start down the stairs not wanting to get in any trouble.

I huffed as I cross my arms coming face to face with her, "Yes?" I said irritated that she interrupted Tinker Bell for something probably obnoxious.

Her hand shot up with some sort of envelope. It was cream colored an looked as if it felt like silk. Nothing special, I've seen better. The only thing that popped out was the royal seal. "How could you not tell me the Selection was just around the corner?"

"Maybe because I didn't know?" I said not realizing how disrespectful I had said it with.

A look of obscene clouded my mother's face, "How dare you talk to me that way young lady? You'll get your beating later, until then we have to discuss her preparations for the Selection. You're going to be Queen."

My mother began to rant about how the castle will be magnificent and how I'll be the perfect Queen. I hadn't even gotten into the Selection and she was still already calling wedding planners.

I learned that The Selection would be held for the younger brother, so basically I'll be princess NOT Queen. My mother didn't care though she only wanted me to be a ruler. I heard that the older Prince didn't want to host his selection yet, others said he just didn't want to have one in general.

The thoughts I had had taken me away from reality and I hadn't notice my mother pushing me to a chair. She already had half of the form down, it was mostly all dramatic things that stretched the truth.

"Well, get on with it!" My mother rushed.

I began to fill out the form which was basically writing my death wish.


Author's Note

Thank you all for taking your time to read the Prologue of "Scars". You can't even start to understand how much it means to me!

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