•|• Chapter 2 •|• Part 1 •|•

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As the days leaded up to the Report I mostly only practiced my handling of the soccer ball.  My father use to play with me when we were younger before he left.  I always thought he would come back one day, yet he never did.

So now here I sat on the couch with my mother still ranting about the Selection as the National anthem of Illea played.  My step-father sat on the side of my mother holding her hand, this was the first time in weeks he's been here with us.

I eyed him carefully, the way he didn't even pay attention to my mother. Even when she tried gaining he's  attention. Before I could mutter a word I was interrupted by the host Justino.

A pearly white smile appeared on the screen as a dashing man with dark skin announced the royal family.

"As you all know tonight is our selection special, where regular girls like you out there come to the palace and fight for the prince's heart. But this year our younger prince will be hosting a Selection!" Justino began. "Prince Lucas, how does it feel to have thirty-five lovely ladies come to your home?"

With a cocky smile he said, "It feels absolutely ravishing."

"Great, great, now Prince Aaron how does it feel having all these ladies come for your brother alone?"

Prince Aaron said with a cold face, "It feels fine, just fine."

Justino not impressed moved onto their baby sister, "Princess Sophia, what does it feel like to have a bunch of girls coming?"

She made a pouty face, "Their gowng(going) to seal(steal) my brothers!"  Everyone simply laughed and Justino went onto announcing the Selection.

By the middle of the calling out I almost dozed off until I heard, "Alexis Jenner, 2, from Whites!"  My absolute best friend who moved away last year was on the screen.  Her African and Asian features popped making her look even more stunning in her navy blue dress.

I squealed happily, "That's my best friend!"

My mother just hugged and continued to watch.  You could tell she was fuming just because my friend got in.

"Are you-"

"Guinevere Penndragon, 2, from Atlin!" my mother wasn't a bit surprised, yes to being excited, but surprised no.


The next few days people from the palace came around, my mother basically bossed them around for some odd reason. Until I was needed I just sat down and watched my favorite show from my childhood, The Proud Family.  I remembered the times when Alexis and I would sing the theme song over and over.

I had finally pushed myself off the couch and started to pack my belongings, I took only a photo of my father, sweats, and my original makeup bag.  The picture of my biological father was of him standing holding me as we laughed.  His thick small Afro was curled in my hands as we ran threw the water.  Tears began to dot the picture and before I knew it I was full out crying.

"Guinevere, we have to leave now," the call of my mother's voice rang through the halls. I set down the picture, my father had left my mother after she started seeing another man. Last I knew is that he moved to Angeles and I couldn't come. After the I lost all contact with him.......

I jumped off my bed in my black dress pants, I wore a long sleeve white dress shirt. It was the uniform we were given, we could wear any shoes. I decided on a matte wine red three inch heal. I allowed for my hair to flow freely with my province flower on my ear. I didn't wear any makeup except a light blush lipstick.

A limo awaited outside, my mother and step-father were not allowed to come in. So they ended up driving to my send off. A large crowd of people came, I was lead up stage to stand by the mayor.

After he said a long boring speech he asked if I would like to say something. I politely declined not liking to speak in front of large crowds.

"Well we wish you the best of luck, Guinevere.  Make us all proud!"  I smiled lightly and made my way off stage.  This was a time to say goodbyes to your family, but my mother just ended up fixing my hair and shooing me away.

"The quicker you get to the palace the more time you have to get lost and fall on a Prince!" my mother giggled like a petty teenager.

I had finally arrived at the airport and had just realized Alexis would be on this ride.  Seeing that our provinces are next door neighbors.  I started running with my bags all the way to the airplane entrance area.

Long raven black hair that looked like silk was facing me, "ALEXIS!"  Her face turned my way and her hazel eyes lit up.

"Ari!" she said using my nickname, since my middle name is Aria she calls me Ari.  We ran towards each other crushing into a hug sliding to the ground.  "It's been ages since we last saw each other, do you know how much I missed you?"

"Do you know how much I missed you, you're the only one back home who kept me sane!" I laughed back.  "We have so much to catch up with!"

She started to wiggle her eyebrows and then said, "Let's start off with, boys."

"What!?!" I almost screamed.  "We can be put to death if we have secret love affairs!"

She sighed, "It's not like we can't talk about them."

To be continued.....
in part two!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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