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DeantheBean has added MooseHuman to the chat

MooseHuman: Hello?

Castiel: Who are you?

MooseHuman: I'm a moose hehe

DeantheBean: That's my little brother

Castiel: Oh, well, hi, I am Castiel

MooseHuman: SO UR CAS! well, I'm Sam. Dean talks about you ALOT! He keeps talking about how cute, sweet, and funny you are, to be honest, it gets a little bit annoying.

Castiel: Oh he does? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

DeantheBean: No, I do not. Sammy is spreading false information

MooseHuman: Stop denying your love for Cas

DeantheBean: Shut up you jerk!

MooseHuman: never, bitch!

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