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Castiel stops his car when he see's the sign "Route 666". He hears the thumping of music coming from the house across the street. "Dean."

Castiel knocks on the door, and it immediately opens. "HEYyyYy!" Some random guy slurs. "YoU WaNT SomE?" He holds out a bottle of vodka. "No, I do not want any of your dangerous alcohol." Castiel push's past the crowd, and see's Dean in the kitchen, with a big bottle of alcohol in his hands.

"Dean!" Castiel calls out. "Dean, get over here!" He says. Dean ignores him, and takes another chug of the drink. "WHOO!" Dean yells.

"Dean Winchester!" Castiel shouts. Dean turns around and smiles. "HEyY CasTiEl!" He motions for Cas to come to him.

Castiel walks over to Dean. "Dean, come on, you need to leave this 'party'."




"Dean it is time to go."


"Now." Dean rolls his eyes and wobbles to Castiel.

"Dean, are you still intoxicated?" Castiel says as he pulls into his drive way. "No." Dean smiles. "Hey Cas?"

"Yes, Dean." Dean leans over, closing the space between him and Cas. Their foreheads touch, lips almost touching. "Dean." Castiel whispers. "Shh." Dean tilts his head, and kisses Castiel. He kisses back, their lips moving in sync.

They pull apart to catch their breathes. "I think I love you." Dean says. "I think I love you too."

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