prologue [ part iii ] // sebastian

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That was the only thing on my mind. Sleep, and Holly of course. Or was it Molly? I was too tired to care to remember the name of my girlfriend. I know, I made myself sound like I didn't give a crap. That's mostly because I didn't. I didn't know why I was like this. I couldn't tell what made me want to go out with all of these girls who's names I didn't remember and didn't even care enough about to find out. I think it was just boredom. But why did I feel so bored. And why girls? Why couldn't my boredom be satisfied by movies or music or... something?

Okay, so maybe sleep wasn't the only thing on my mind, but it was my top priority as far as I was concerned. And I was extremely concerned. I kicked off my trainers as I entered my room and without even changing into pyjamas, I collapsed on to my bed and almost immediately fell into a dreamless sleep. Sort of.

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