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It's now Wednesday Night and I'm sitting here at the house with Jordan and Jackie.
"Guys lets have a bonfire." I said.
"Yes but just us three?" Jordan asked.
"I got that handled." I said with a wink.
"Okay while you do that I'll go get the fire started." Jackie said.
"And I'll go get the graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate for s'mores." Jordan said.
I nodded my head then I walked out to the barn. I opened the door to the barn and turned the light on then I walked over to mine and Jackie's old friend that passed away a few years ago and that use to race with us. I went and sat in the drivers seat then I grabbed my phone and dialed Doc's number.
"Hello." Doc said.
"Doc what's up?" I asked.
"Oh nothing just sitting here at the garage with Monza, Dave, Dominator, Knox, James, and Derek. Why what's going on for the night?" Doc asked.
"You got me on speaker so everyone can hear me?" I asked.
"Yeah he does. What's the plans?" Monza asked.
"Well I talked Jordan and Jackie into having a bonfire here at the house but what they don't know is that all of the 405 guys are getting invited." I said.
"Alright count us all in!" Dominator said.
"Alright see y'all soon!" I said.
"See you soon." Dave said.
We hung up then I dialed Chief's number.
"Chels!" Chief said.
"Chief! What's the plans for tonight?" I asked.
"We were just going to call you and ask you what you were doing tonight." Jeff said.
"Wait who is all there?" I asked.
"Chief, Shane, Jeff, Jeremy, and myself." Kamikaze said.
"Where's Shawn? I thought he was with you guys." I said.
"I'm right here but Kamikaze wants to be an asshole for the night." Shawn said.
"Just shut up guys. All y'all are assholes but that's okay. But what are the plans for the night?" Chief asked.
"Anyways on another note, I convinced Jackie and Jordan to have a bonfire tonight but what they don't know is that I'm inviting all the guys of the 405 so Doc, Monza, Dave, Dominator, James, Knox, and Derek are on their way here." I said.
"We are coming!" Shane yelled.
"Lets go guys!" Jeremy said.
We hung up then I called Boosted.
"Hey Chels what's up?" Boosted asked.
"Nothing but we are having a bonfire here at the house and basically all the guys from the 405 are coming." I said.
"Count me in!" He said.
"Okay but quick question. Do you like Jackie?" I asked.
"Yeah why?" He asked.
"Well I know she likes you." I said.
"She does?" He asked shocked.
"Yes! Now get here!" I said.
"On my way!" He said.
We hung up then I called Farmtruck.
"Chels to what do we owe this delightful call?" Farmtruck said.
"Farmtruck, do you guys have any plans for tonight?" I asked.
"Nope. We were just gonna sit around here for a little bit then god knows what else." Farmtruck said.
"Who is all with you?" I asked.
"Me, Azn, White Rhino, and Dustin." Farmtruck said.
"Chels!" Azn said.
"Azn!" I said.
"What plans do you have for tonight?" Azn asked.
"Well me, Jackie, Jordan, Doc, Monza, Dominator, Dave, Knox, James, Derek, Shane, Chief, Jeff, Kamikaze, Jeremy, Boosted, and Shawn are having a bonfire so basically all the 405 guys are gonna be here but you four unless y'all come." I said.
"Count us in!" Dustin said.
We hung up then I walked out of the barn and when I did, I seen Doc and everyone that was with him already sitting around the fire. I got the idea of getting the truck and backing it up to the fire and sitting on the tailgate so I ran to the house, grabbed my keys to my truck then got in and backed to the fire. I got close enough to the fire then I got out and put the tailgate down then I sat down. I heard Chief's truck coming down the road so I smiled then I saw Chief's truck back in next to mine. Chief and Shawn came over to me then Chief sat on the tailgate while Shawn stood in front of me.
"Okay so what in the hell was going on at the garage?" I asked.
"What you mean?" Chief asked.
"Between Shawn and Kamikaze? Did y'all get into a fight?" I asked.
"Yeah because we got a phone call from someone and they were saying how you girls shouldn't be racing with us guys then they started making fun Big Blue and the Murder Nova so I stepped in and said something then Kamikaze wanted to come back it with a smartass remark and it pissed me off even more and we got into a fight." Shawn said.
"So does this mean that we have been officially called out for this weekend?" I asked.
"Not yet because they haven't completely called us out yet." Chief said.
"So then what are we doing this weekend? Are we taking it off? Or are we having List Night?" I asked.
"I don't know. What do you guys want to do?" Chief asked.
"I mean it's up to you. You are the chief around here, but if we are having List Night then I need to check Big Blue and get a couple test hits." I said.
"I'll have to get the Murder Nova ready too and a couple test hits." Shawn said.
"Yeah I know but I would have to check the Crow and get a couple test hits also." Chief said.
"So it's your call." I said.
"I know but should we see where everyone else stands with their cars?" Chief asked.
"Yeah you should because god knows who's car is ready and who's isn't." Shawn said.
"He's got a point." I said.
"Yeah you do Shawn but how do I casually just bring that up?" Chief asked.
"Hold on I got you covered." I said.
I moved back a little bit more on the tailgate then I got up and walked over to the cab of the truck then climbed on top and stood up there.
"Hey quick meeting since we are all here." I said.
Everyone turned and looked at me.
"As you all know that when we don't have a call out from someone or there isn't Cash Days or anything big going on, we have List Night well Chief and Shawn were just telling me about how they got a call from someone talking crap on us female drivers and the 405 as a whole. That call caused some tension between some of our guys." I said.
"So does this mean that they are calling us out?" Dominator asked.
"No not officially but Chief, Shawn, and I were talking about it and we aren't sure about waiting for the call out and working on our cars or having List Night and risk the call out coming and hurting our cars even more so we were gonna see where you all stood with your cars." I said.
"Murder Nova is ready just needs a few test hits." Shawn said.
"The Crow is ready just needs the test hits." Chief said.
"The Street Beast is ready to go besides the test hits." Doc said.
"Goliath 2.0 is having some engine problems so it's not ready to race." Dave said.
"Sinister Split Bumper has a knocking noise in the engine that me and my crew have been trying to work on since List Night last week." Monza said.
"The Sonoma's head gaskets are still blown so it's out for now." Knox said.
"Tod is good just needs a few test hits." Jordan said.
"The car is running good just needs a few test hits." Dominator said.
"Farmtruck just needs a check but should be good." Farmtruck said.
"The Elco's tires need check since they keep running out of air." Kamikaze said.
"Reaper needs some work since it seems to only be running on four cylinders or something." James said.
"The White Rhino needs some work done to it." White Rhino said.
"The Bank Note needs something done to the engine." Jeremy said.
"I'm searching for another big block engine for the Sliver Unit." Derek said.
"Mad Max is running good, just needs a few test hits." Jeff said.
"Something went wrong last week with the Black Bird and we have been trying to work on it." Shane said.
"The Catfish's engine is tore apart right now because something wasn't working right last test hit." Dustin said.
"The car is ready just needs a few test hits." Boosted said.
"The Shel has something wrong with it." Jackie said.
"Big Blue is running fine but just needs a few test hits." I said.
"So then what are we gonna do?" Shane asked.
"Well with only nine cars out of twenty drivers being ready and only six of the list being ready, I think Chief should give everyone another week to work on cars and to make sure everything is good with them." I said.
"I think we are going to take this week off from racing and if they call us out I'll tell them next week we will race or we will just take the nine cars and drivers that are ready." Chief said.
"I'm just gonna put this out there, I'm willing to help anyone that needs help on their cars once I double check Big Blue." I said.
"I'm willing to help too." Shawn said.
"Yes I know that it means that I will know who has what in their car but we are all just a big family here. Yes we fight but god damn it what family doesn't fight?" I said.
"You do have a point Chels." Doc said.
"Yeah we should all help each other out because who knows what can happen to any of us at any time." Monza said.
"Okay it's settled then. No racing this weekend. Possible racing next week. Helping each other the rest of this week, this weekend, and next week. Everyone agree? Too bad if you don't because I don't give a shit." I said.
"Agree!" Everyone said at once.
I got down from the cab then sat back down on the tailgate.
"Damn it now I need something to drink. Where's the beer?" I asked.
"That's a good question!" Shawn said.
"No neither of you are drinking if you have to drive!" I said.
"Looks like we will be staying, right Shawn?" Chief said.
"Right." Shawn said.
"You know I hate both of you right?" I asked.
"We love you too." Chief said.
"Go get me a beer Chief." I said.
Chief rolled his eyes then got off the tailgate and walked away. After Chief walked away, Boosted came over to Shawn and I.
"Hey Chels." Boosted said.
"Hey Boosted." I said.
"What's up Boosted?" Shawn asked.
"Shawn can I ask you something?" Boosted asked.
Shawn and I looked at each other then we looked at Boosted.
"Yeah sure Boosted. What's up?" Shawn asked.
"When you asked Chelsea to be your girlfriend, were you nervous?" Boosted asked.
"Honestly Boosted I was more than nervous, I was terrified that Chels was gonna laugh in my face and say no but I just got the courage and asked her out and she said yes. So what I'm saying is that you take a risk every time you sit in that race car and start it up so why not take a risk now and ask Jackie to be your girlfriend?" Shawn said.
"You have a point since we all take that risk when sit inside that car but do you think that the time is right to ask her?" Boosted asked.
"Honestly Boosted don't get mad at me for saying this but take things slow, I know you guys have been talking for awhile but the last thing I would hate to see is something happen to you guys. I've watched her go through some horrible relationships but when she's around you, there's a different side of Jackie that comes out and honestly I'd rather see that Jackie all the time then the side that I saw with past relationships. But to answer your question, yes I think the time is right but I can't speak for you. Do you think the time is right for you?" I said.
"I think the time is right but I just don't know what to say." Boosted said.
"Boosted, listen to me when I say this, I think you should go up to her and pull her to the side, away from everyone then tell her how you feel, don't be scared to tell her everything. Trust me, I know how she feels about you, she tells me on a daily basis." I said.
"I'm gonna do it." Boosted said.
I nodded my head then Boosted walked away and saw him out of the corner of my eye pull Jackie to the side then I saw that Chief was coming back so I looked at Shawn.
"Babe." I said.
"Yes." He said.
"Please don't drink and drive tonight." I said.
"I won't babe. I'll sleep on the couch if I have to." He said.
"I think Chief might try to cuddle with you if you sleep there." I said.
"Hey I heard that!" Chief said.
"Don't deny it. I know that you would either get lonely or cold and try to cuddle with Shawn." I said.
"I would not but whatever you want to say." Chief said.
"Chief I'm messing with ya." I said.
"I know but I'm gonna go talk to the rest of the guys." Chief said.
"Alright." Shawn said.
"That does sound like a good idea. I'm gonna go off and talk to the guys." I said.
"Alright. I'm gonna go off and talk to Doc and Monza." Shawn said.
I nodded my head then he helped me off the tailgate and I grabbed my beer then I walked off towards Dominator, Jeff, and Shane.
"Hey guys." I said.
"Hey Chels." Jeff said.
"What's up Chels?" Dominator said.
"Just coming around to talk to everyone." I said.
"Well we were just talking about the Black Bird and what's wrong with it." Shane said.
"What's wrong with it?" I asked.
"Honestly I have no clue. It's acting like it doesn't want to start then it does then something else goes wrong with it." Shane said.
"Hmm I'll go check Big Blue tomorrow then if nothing else goes wrong or needs checked, I can swing by and help." I said.
"I'll come help too." Dominator said.
"Me too." Jeff said.
"Yeah guys I'll take all the help I can get with this car." Shane said.
"Just tell me a time you want me to come over to the garage and I will." I said.
"I'll let you know when I get up tomorrow then we will go from there." Shane said.
I nodded my head then I walked over towards Kamikaze, Farmtruck, and Azn. I walked up behind Azn and scared him by putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Damn you Chels." Azn said.
"You will be okay Azn. Gotta have a little bit of fun every now and then. But how's everything going over here?" I asked.
"Just talking about the list and that." Farmtruck said.
"What about the list?" I asked confused.
"I think Shane is gonna call out Doc for the number 9 spot if Doc doesn't call Monza out first." Kamikaze said.
"I think Jackie is going to call Kamikaze out for the number 4 spot." Farmtruck said.
"I think either Chief is going to call you out Chels or Shawn is going to call Chief out." Azn said.
"If Shane and Doc race, who do you think is going to win?" I asked.
"Doc." Farmtruck said.
"Shane." Azn said.
"Shane." Kamikaze said.
"So you think Shane and the Black Bird will beat Doc and the Street Beast?" I said.
"Yup." Azn and Farmtruck said at once.
"Nope." Kamikaze said.
Kamikaze, Farmtruck, and Azn started arguing over who they thought was going to win so I walked away and went over to Shawn, Doc, and Monza. I talked to everyone as the night went on but by 1 o'clock in the morning everyone left besides Chief, Boosted, and Shawn since they all were drinking and none of us wanted them to drive. Jordan, Chief, Boosted, Jackie, Shawn, and I decided to sit out in the garage since it's a nice night and drink some more.

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