Two Christmas Movies

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"Will, I am not going to wear that." Nico glared at his husband, Will Solace.

"C'mon sweetie." Will smiled, holding up a t-shirt that read "Dear Santa, I'm writing to you to let you know that I've been naughty...and it's been worth it. You're a fat and judgemental."

"It fits you perfectly, and not just in size!" Will added and held out the shirt for Nico.

"Nico says no." Nico stated. Just then a girl with freckles and red-brown pixie cut hair ran down the stairs of their house. She was wearing a plaid christmas skirt and a black long sleeve shirt.

"Dad!" She said.

Will and Nico both turned towards their daughter. "Yes?" Will fake glared at Nico. "Remember, I top in this marriage, Death Boy." Nico rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Nico said. "Anyways, what is it sweetie?" Nico's eyes always seemed to soften when he was around his daughter, Bianca.

"When will Luke be coming over?" Bianca was ten, and loved hanging out with Luke. Nico wasn't that fond of Luke, who was Percy's son, but he liked it when his daughter was happy.

"Soon. They'll be here in about..." he checked his watch, "Thirty minutes. They're going to help your mother and I," Nico smirked and glanced at Will who rolled his eyes, "Set up our Christmas tree." Nico gestured towards the boxed Christmas tree.

Bianca nodded. She wasn't a demigod, but a mortal who could see through the Mist. She was adopted by Will and Nico, and was blessed by both Apollo and Hades. She didn't have that big of powers, but could minorly control shadows and had some music talent. Bianca ran back upstairs.

"And I'm not wearing that shirt." Nico said turning towards Will, his hands on his hips.

Will smirked. "Don't call me the mother again and I won't make you wear it."

"Nobody will be able to read it well, I don't know if you remember, but most of us have dyslexia." Nico argued.

Will sighed. "Whatever. Maybe Bianca will want it. She is turning out to be kind of like you."

"Okay, glad that's sorted out." Nico sat on the couch and turned on the monster proof TV. "Who else is coming today anyways?"

"Uh, Hazel and her family," Will was trying to remember, "Percy and his family of course, and..." Will scratched his head. "Someone else is coming, but I forgot."

"Great." Nico mumbled. He started flipping through the channels. "Hopefully we have enough hot chocolate and snacks. We'll set up the tree and then we can watch some cheesy Christmas movie."

"Fine with me. I'll go check the snacks." Will said cheerfully, and Nico heard him humming "Let it snow." Nico smiled to himself and watched the TV.

Soon enough there was a knock on the door, and Bianca shouted, "They're here!" And bolted downstairs, wearing a different outfit, wearing black jeans and a green t-shirt and navy blue sweater. They didn't really match, but Nico shrugged it off and walked towards the door.

Nico swung it open to see Percy, Annabeth and their kids Luke and Zoë. Bianca was smiling from ear to ear and the Jackson family stepped inside.

"Hey Neeks." Percy smiled. "Happy holidays, and thanks for inviting us." Will rushed into the living room and started taking coats from everyone to hang up in the closet.

"We already set up our tree!" Zoë exclaimed excitedly. Luke started slowly walking away with a book in his hand. Nico smirked slightly at this, and he also saw a wood—or was it bronze?—dagger in a sheath. As long as he didn't use it on his little girl.

Twelve Days of Christmas {A Percy Jackson AU}Where stories live. Discover now