Chapter 25[Just Like Dad]

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Bucky's POV
"Nick you can't be serious right now?" Tony argued as Julie flew off somewhere.

"She is a threat Mr.Stark, SHIELD doesn't tolerate threats." I wanted to do badly punch him in the face.

"Julie wouldn't hurt anyone other than herself." Clint spoke up. "Like she said before, she's saved us twice, saved Tony from an exploding car, saved civilians from HYDRA, survived out in the woods for ten day, and defeated Loki by almost killing herself. How in the world is she a threat!"

"Agent Barton, Avengers, none of you are liberated to saw or defend Juliana in any way."

"Listen here Fury," Tony started off but was cut off by static noise.


"Julie." Tony said.

  "You know how you hate it when I do daring things?" We all answered with a 'yes' but I was scared of her plan. "Well I'm sorry cause this one will be the most stupidest and daring I've done in all my life." Looking outside the window Julie was in her suit as she was holding a missile that was aimed towards Central Park.

  "Julie!" Everyone looked at the direction I was looking at.

  "Get in the Avengjet now." Tony commanded and none of us argued with him.

  Clint was flying the jet while Tony was in his suit. Before any of us could prepare the missile had exploded making the jet shake. But the jet shaking was the lease of my concern. The missile exploded and Julie could have gotten hurt, or worse.

  When the jet landed we all rushed out to the ditch, in the middle was Julie. Her suit was fine but blood was oozing out.

"Can we take the suit off?" Nat asked but Bruce shook his head as Tony landed beside us.

"Won't work its jammed."

"She'll die in that suit if we not do something." Steve said as more blood came out.

"Her arc reactor." Tony said. "The missile hit there first. The arc reactor must have shattered and pushed itself in her chest. She has all kinds of pieces in her body or stabbing her." He looked down at her daughter but I looked down at my girl.

"Tony," Bruce said. "What if we planted an arc reactor in her. It could work."

"But how?" He asked. "Her suit is connected to her arc reactor."

"We'll figure to out later but for now we have to get her in the lab or else she'll be gone for good." Tony looked down at his daughter before looking at the rest of us.

"Someone take her now." He took off in his suit as Steve carried her inside of the jet.


Tony and Bruce were in the lab trying to save Julie as for the rest of us were arguing with Director Furry.

"The missile was completely unnecessary!" Nat argued with her boss but he stood there looking at her cold.

"She wouldn't join SHIELD or Avengers, she wouldn't come with me, the missile seemed to fit perfectly Agent Romanova."

She was about to say something but Steve beat her. "Director Furry you can't be serious about seeing Juliana as a threat? A real threat would have let that missile explode, instead she risked her life for the third time to save millions of people."

"A threat would have done that to keep its cover."

"How can you say this?" I hissed. "Juliana has done nothing but good in her life. She's gotten rid of more bad guys than SHIELD has even done in all their life. She was able to bring me out when no one else could. She made those other suits to protect the people and her mother. She made Hasai as her personal bodyguard, not to make destruction. Why would Julie have any motive to be the bad guy!"

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