Chapter 11

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Dedicated to BluePendragon for always bothering to comment. Thanks so much!! :D 


“So she never told anyone?” Stefan asked his voice hollow. Darcie nodded, looking disgusted.

“Of course not,” she said, “What would you have done? Maya was too scared to tell anyone after she got that note,” Darcie explained.

“It was a suicide, right?” Stefan asked, cautiously. “I mean, he didn’t kill her, and make it look like an accident or something?” Darcie shook her head, and Relief washed over Stefan.

“It was a suicide.” Darcie said, confidently.

“Then what happened?” demanded Stefan. “I mean, the story didn’t just end there, right?” He asked her. Darcie nodded.

“No. After she got the note, things just kept getting worse.” Darcie said miserably. Stefan sighed, shutting his eyes briefly.

“Of course they did,” he muttered under his breath, too quiet for anyone to hear. He prepared himself for the worst, and then nodded to Darcie. She started to talk again.

“I’m really not sure how it happened. He followed her home; I know he knew her address. He must have looked in the phone book or something. “

“He didn’t…” whispered Stefan, understanding. Darcie nodded glumly.

“When he first started calling her, it was on her home phone, so it was hard to hide from her parents.” Darcie said.

“At first?” asked Stefan, “Then what?”

“He found her cellphone number.” Said Darcie quietly. Stefan shuddered.  “I can’t believe I never noticed. She kept these calls during class, or at lunch, and she would never answer them, but she would always listen to the messages afterwards, it was really odd. Whenever I tried to ask her about it, she would just blow it off. I’m so stupid!” Said Darcie, raising her voice with frustration.

“It’s not your fault…” Said Stefan soothingly.

“How come I never asked? I knew something was wrong.” She whispered. Stefan changed the subject quickly, not wanting her to get too upset. Besides, he still had questions.

“What were the calls about?” Stefan asked. “What did he say to her?”

“Mostly, they were threats. He would warn her that if she ever told anyone, he would kill her, and the person she told. He would say that it would be easy to sneak into her house. I don’t know exactly, I didn’t actually hear the messages.” Darcie said.

“Why did she listen? If she knew they were from him, why didn’t she just delete the messages?” Stefan asked, confused.  Darcie shook her head.

“I don’t know. It was like she needed to listen to them. What if he said, ‘I’m going to kill you?’ Or something?” Darcie suggested. Stefan sighed.

“I still don’t understand!” he said, desperation in his voice.” why didn’t she just run the police? Or talk to her parents?! They would have protected her!” Stefan was yelling now, but not at Darcie. It wasn’t Darcie he was mad at. It was Maya.

“I don’t know Stefan, I’m sorry!” Darcie said, sounding not angry like him, but distressed. “But I don’t think she could take the risk. She was just too frightened.” Darcie whispered.

“Why couldn’t she have just risked it? He wasn’t even that big of threat, with her parents or the police by her side!” he shouted, his words filling the otherwise empty alley. People walking on the outside, turned confused, But Darcie and Stefan ignored them. Stefan continued yelling.

I'm Sorry, StefanWhere stories live. Discover now