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Sometimes responsibilities run like liquid pressure in your palms and it starts to slip from your grasp, oozing out from the cracks in your finger tips and it feels like there's nothing you can do to keep it all from falling down.

You can't catch it or hold it any longer and people stare at you waiting for you to do everything they are asking from you but your hands are full and you look to them with pools of worry settling behind your eye lids.

They expect you to run but as soon as you try you slip on the grip of liquid you've lost and dropped on the ground.

And its unfair and its not okay and those laser like eyes continue to stare you down as your laying on your back unable to get up but you have to breath.

You have to let the oxygen fill your chest.

You have to remember that these bones in your body work for you!

They support you!

That you are strong.

And you can look them in the eyes and tell them that you are doing the best you can.

And you get up and get a cloth and soak up the mess.

It is in your power to fix things the best way you know how.

And maybe you'll miss a spot.

But you can't say you didn't try your hardest.

Because thats all you can do.

And you can cup your hands full of things but you can also set them down and worry about one one at a time.

You have this in you.

You are a powerhouse.

I believe in you.

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