Get a better mirror

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You're really beautiful and if you don't think so,

get a better mirror,

look a little closer,

stare a little longer!!!

Because there is something inside you that kept you from quitting and all those terrible words ever thrown at you have to be wrong.

They have to be wrong.

Why else would you still be here?

Because you are not the names you were called.

We are not empty cars stalled out on the side of a high way,

and if in some way you are,

don't worry.

You just get up to go get gas.

We are not what we were called.

We are from the class of fuck off we made it.

There is something inside of you thats kept you fighting.

And you have to believe all those terrible things are wrong!

You are beautiful.

You are here.

And you are worthy so much love.


(Inspired by the To This Day project.)

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