Going Back To New York.

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Aria's POV

Today is the day Ezra, the kids and I are going back to New York.

Ezra and I woke up early, much to Ezra's dislike at six-thirty early. We changed our clothes and Ezra is packing up our clothes while I decide on outfits for the kids, I put all their outfits and shoes in a plastic bag and pack the rest of their clothes in their suitcases. My mom and Zach are packing their snacks, drinks and their coloring books. I put Daisy's suitcase next to Ezra and I's at the car for Ezra to place them in.

"Is that the last one?" Ezra asks grabbing Daisy's suitcase placing it in the boot.

"Yeah, we just have their backpacks and the outfits they have to change into and my purse." I say grabbing his hand and walking back up the stairs into the kitchen.

"The kids bags are done." My mom says placing Tylers bag down next to the others.

"What did you pack?" I ask her, grabbing Ian's gab from the table and Ezra grabbing the backpacks.

"Two packets of Oreo's, four chocolate chip cookies and three orange juices." Zach says grabbing four orange juices and passing them around.

"Okay. Thank you mom and Zach." I say giving them a hug.

"What do you guys have to eat?" Zach asks me handing me my purse and handing Ezra the plastic bag with the kids clothes in it.

"We'll stop at the shops on the way to Hanna's." Ezra says.

"We'll miss you Aria. But we will see you on Christmas, right?" My mom says giving me a tight hug.

"Promise. I'll miss you too." I say. She lets go and she hugs Ezra, I hug Zach and Ezra shakes Zach's hand. Ezra and I walk out of the door with my mom and Zach, we walk to the car and I place the kids backpacks on each of their seats. Ezra walks around to my side and opens the door for me, I sit and he closes the door walking back around to the drivers side getting in. With one last goodbye, Ezra and I are on our way to the shops.

I sent Hanna a quick message.

OMW Make sure the kids are ready and they have eaten. Ezra and I should be there in half and hour xoxo. - Aria

I was about to turn my phone off when I got a reply from Hanna.

Yep, I'll wake them up. Kinda sad that this will be the last breakfast I'll get with them until Christmas. xoxo - Hanna

If your a good girl, We might come and visit you at college. xoxo - Aria

"Who's that?" Ezra asks me.

"Hanna. I'm just telling her to wake the kids up and have them fed." I say to him. I grab his hand and rest it on my lap.

Please do!!! xoxo -Hanna

I turn my phone off and smile at Ezra.


Ezra and I arrived at Ezy Mart and we walked in hand in hand.

"Where too?" I ask Ezra.

"The confectionery section." Ezra replies leading the way.

We walked to the confectionery section and Ezra choose the lollies while I choose the chips.

"What did you get?" Ezra asks me, placing the lollies in the basket I was holding.

"Salt and vinegar, original, chicken and barbecue. Oh, and Lime and Black Pepper." I say.

We walked to the drinks and I grabbed ten bottles of water and four bottles of powerade.

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