Friends or Enemy

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*at the place where we all meet only the legendary knows it*

Bianca-keishia why!? How could you i just told you that i like alexander and you just kiss him

Keishia-no i didnt kiss him he just kissed me pls believe me am not lying pls you know i cant do such thing into a friend 

Bianca-your a trator.  Ugghhhhhh!!!

*gives out a big fire ball to kill keishia then trishia protected keishia and trishia died*

Keishia-*sob sob* why trishia why would you protect me t..t..he a.air ww..would b..e and... ppe....op..le

Keishia-i know but sometimes i dont wanna see my friends die at me

Bianca-am sorry *sob sob* i cant stop my fire ball am sorry

Keishia-jannen heal trisha faster*sob sob*

*before jannen could take one more step trisha dissapered into a arm of enemy*


Mara-calm down keishia you will bring disaster on the nature earth we will have thunderstorm again  what should we do anyway

Neco-we should find alexander and tell him the new enemy maybe he knows it

Bianca-but your not going keishia


Bianca-because i like him and your not going bastard you should have been killed except trisha is dead because of you


neco-lets go

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