Blood Rival

40 3 5

hades- SHIT!! I got the wrong person but yet i could just let her be a trap to her friends especialy the AIR one

*Back at Hide out*

keishia-Neco what did he says wheres bianca????

Neco- his cousin is the one who behind all this trouble thats why

mara-he's cousin wanna kill you but instead got trisha by mistaken

keishia-wheres bianca????

jannen-she ran 

keishia-why what happened!!!!!!


keishia-busted of what

jannen-alexander get mad at her and says "thats why i would never love you"

mara- hahahaha why did you flashback we couldnt even see it your voice is funny

keishia-thats not a laughing matter mara

neco-thats right

keishia-we need to find her before she got on trouble with that guy

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