|«8»|- A week

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Hehe yeah, it's probably been more then a week.


"You think this mission will be short?" Leo asked Alfonso in his office. It was six in the morning and Lynx was still fast asleep on the couch. Alfonso rolled his eyes and yawned as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Did you bring me here just to ask that?" Alfonso questioned as he tried to open his eyes. Leo looked up at him from the stack on papers he didn't finish in his office.

"Of course, why else would I bring you in here?" Leo asked as he carefully sighed his signature. Alfonso shrugged and leaned forward towards Leo.

"I was thinking of," he began but Leo put up his hand and flicked him hard in the forehead. "I was kidding! Fuck! Are your fingers made of steel?" He asked as he felt the slight bump. From Leo's little chuckle, he knew it was probably red.

"Anyway, answer the question," Leo said after a moment. Alfonso was quiet for a bit, thinking of how long this mission might actually be.

"It depends on how you decide to do the mission. Kill all and I'd say about two weeks. Leave some enemy's and I'd say one, but then you'd be in danger. Why do you wanna know?" Alfonso asked looking at Leo as he crossed his arms.

"I can't be giving Lynx the same dumb excuse. I can't be bothered by a robber every time I come home late," Leo explained as he pinched the bride of his nose in frustration. Alfonso nodded knowing sooner or later Lynx would grow up finally and question the excuses Leo made up.

Suddenly, there was a yell downstairs. Leo stood from his desk as he heard it. Alfonso just smirked after he yawned.

"Leo! You little fuck! You dipshit, you said you'd be here when I woke up-" Lynx began ranting before Leo made his way down while rolling his eyes.

"I was just in my office," he explained sitting down next to her as Alfonso came in as well. Lynx mood swing always confused Leo. She was yelling a moment ago and now she was grinning at him mischievously.

"With Alfonso?" She pressed on. Leo nodded and her grin only grew more. "Oh la la," she sang playfully before getting up and walking to the fridge. Leo sat there confused and looked at Alfonso who only smirked back at him. Seeing Leo's confused face, he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Imbecile," he muttered under his breath as Leo glared at him. He was left there confused, again, by himself as Alfonso went to join Lynx. He saw her take the slice of leftover pizza from yesterday and tried rolling it up like she saw Homer do from "The Simpson."

"Leo?" Lynx asked suddenly as he picked up the remote to find an interesting channel.


"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Of course," Leo chuckled turning his head back to her. "What made you ask such a ridiculous question?" Lynx shrugged as she sat back down beside him.

"Can I marry Alfonso?" Lynx asked with a straight face as she looked at him. Alfonso snapped his gaze from the tv back to them. He was about to open his mouth before being interrupted.

"No," Leo replied simply without looking at Alfonso. "Your too good for him," he finished. Alfonso touched his heart and made a hurt expression.

"I happen go be very handsome. Girls are all over me," Alfonso interjected. Leo only rolled his eyes.

"Why? He's the most trusted man to you," Lynx pushed. She didn't actually have any feelings for Alfonso but she knew how much Alfonso cared for Leo, whether it was brotherhood or hidden feelings, she wanted them to be happy.

"He's just not for you," Leo replied. It wasn't like he didn't know that Alfonso cared for him. It was just hard to transfer the feelings he had for him when Alfonso was so open about it. "Anyway, we need to get ready for the trip," he finished before walking back to his office leaving Lynx and Alfonso to only stare at his back.


Leo, Alfonso, and Lynx stood beside a huge yacht. Alfonso and Lynx had their luggage in hand while Leo had his car parked behind them.

"Why a yacht?" Lynx asked with a straight face as she held her luggage. Leo crossed his arms and looked up at his beautiful white yacht. It was a gift from his dad when he was born. Leo thought it was quite funny since him being a baby, he couldn't do anything with it.

"Because your going to London," he explained with a sly smirk. Lynx smiled as her eyes twinkled.


"Yup, for two weeks," he grinned when he looked to see Lynx already boarding the yacht. "Don't scratch my baby while on the cruise!"

Alfonso looked at Leo and then back at the yacht. "Are you really not going? Will you be alright doing the mission alone? I can send some-"

"I'll be fine. You take care of Lynx and we'll meet in two weeks time," Leo brushed off before making his way back to his car. He heard the slight grumble from Alfonso and smirked.

At the warehouse, Leo crouched behind some wooden box crates. He had been here for a week or even more not knowing when the men would arrive. He loaded his pistol as he heard the door open. He quickly pulled up his hood and leaned back. He heard footsteps of about two or three men.

"Do you think they'll actually show up?" A man spoke up. Leo raised a brow. The man sounded young like he had just got out of highschool.

"They better if they know what coming for them," another man replied before laughing. Leo peaked out and saw three man. One had pitch black hair with cold blue eyes that could kill. The second one that Leo heard had blond hair but a more friendlier vibe to his blue eyes. The last one was quite tall and had brown hair that matched his eyes. Even though the last one was tall and looked the most fit, he knew the first one had to be the boss.

"They'd better not be wasting my time," the first man muttered. The man turned his head and Leo ducked when the almost made eye contact.

"Shit," Leo cursed softly as he held his gun. The door rattled open again to reveal a very unattractive old man. The old man was quite flashy with the jewelry covering his whole suit.

"So good you could make it," the old man spoke as he held his cigar. He let out a puff and the blond man winced when he inhaled. The old man had at least ten man trailing after him like lost pups.

"Let's get down to business Diego," the brown haired man replied seriously. Leo couldn't help but remember the song from Mulan that he and Lynx watched.

"Of course Raphael," Diego replied as he handed his suit case. Leo aimed his pistol at Diego. He didn't know why he needed to assassinate these men but then again, he never really questioned his missions from Alfonso.

"2 million," Raphael nodded his head as he handed it to the blond man. The man with the black hair threw his suit case for Diego to catch.

"Let's go Anton," the blond man rushed at the black haired man. Anton stood for a while before turning back. Leo aimed his gun once again before firing. Diego felled as his men pulled out their guns.

"Run Alexander!" Anton yelled as he pulled out his gun. Alexander and Raphael jumped behind some crates as Anton started shooting. Leo shot down some men as they were unaware of where he stood.

"Up there!" A man yelled pointing in Leo's direction. The man ran up the stairs as Leo tried shooting them down. This went on until all of Diego's men had been shot.

Silence went through the air as Leo made his way down thankful he had his black mask to conceal his face. Anton looked at Leo with the same cold gaze before something struck Leo's back and everything went black.


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