Chapter 1

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Tap, tap, tap tap

"I hate school"

"Really dani i'd never guess"

"Oh shut up I mean like We know all this and it infuriates me that we have to sit through it"

We sat on my bed in complete silence mentally discussing the geography test we had tomorrow. Marcie is my best friend the only person who really gets me. We met in pre-k and have been inseparable ever since. Stood side by side our auras were bright indigo and we are unstoppable.

No one else really understands us. We live in a very conservative town where many indigo children's abilities are crushed at young; due to the need for everyone to be cookie cutter perfect and follow all the rules.

"Ugh!" I coughed up slamming my textbook shut and disturbing the rooms silence. Frustration clouded my mind so I shoved the text book off my bed. Marcie looked my way very sympathetically she crawled over to me and put my head in her lap. Her finger tips gently massaging my forehead and temples. I daydreamed of colors that unknown to most and worlds beyond anyone's understanding. Marcie's humanist nature was comforting in times of stress like these. She would always connect with me and encourage me calming my furry. Equally when she was angry or discouraged my artistic nature took Over. Mind melding her day dreams and painting her beautiful mental pictures; sharing my colors with her.

We were one.

"Girls!" My mom yelled from downstairs. My eyes fluttered and Marcie looked up

We rushed down stairs and to our delight found food in my moms hands.

"What's for dinner momma" curiosity dripped from my words

"I don't know why don't you see for yourself" she dropped the bags onto the table and step out of our way. She laughed cheerfully as we rummaged through the bag of take out Italian.

But when her laughter ceased she asked "so how are my indigo girls"

We stiffened. now don't get me wrong I'm extremely lucky to have an open accepting mom. Marcie isn't so lucky her parents as conservative Christians would rather believe she's possessed by the devil him self then believe their daughter is a further evolved race of trailblazing humans whose purpose is to unlock new things for humanity. But even though I'm lucky and my mom pretends to be support and stuff I can read her deeper intentions and I know she's doubtful, I know she doesn't truly believe in indigo children. But I guess that's okay because it does seem a little bit far fetched.

We bit back our doubt however and synced "great"

We didn't ever mean to speak together but, most times it happened anyway best telepathic friends forever.

The next morning we walked out of our sleepy neighborhood and towards school, or hell you know which ever you prefer to call it. Marice looked down to my sketch book peeking out of my back pack

"I know you really like him"

Anger flashed on to my face "What! Shut up!" My expression melted back to its normal gentle gaze

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get's just I've liked him for so long he doesn't even know my name and I could never tell him about me"

Marcie frowned at me in empathy "can I at least look at your drawings?"

I sighed "yeah"

My sketch book is my baby it goes everywhere with me and I always draw in it I draw lots of people because I find them intriguing. I also draw my crush Sam all the time. We've gone to school together our whole life and we were even friends for a short, very short time. Once my violent out burst of anger after being told I couldn't do something started happening at school; I probably scared him away. My teachers thought I was special or something always sending notes home to my mom saying I should be evaluated for ADD, ADHD, and Autism. That stopped shortly after my mom went to the school and let them have a few words. Teachers and students threaded lightly around me, but I got older and learned to control it more so now nobody seems that scared of me. Maybe intimidated though. I soon came face to face with my worst enemy the public school system. The anger boiling up in me slammed my sketch book shut that was still in Marcie's hand. She gently handed it but knowing how agitated I was because of this dumb place.

"Bye" she whispered and I nodded in agreement.

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