Just a dream

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Your Pov: You awake in the middle of a forest. What? Where am I? Where is Joji? "JOJI!" I start to yell not even thinking. Where the hell could he be? Oh my god! I remember! You start to remember about the crash and you look down at your arm. You were too worried about Joji to notice a huge gash in your arm. Well shit. You take off your hoodie, revealing your tank top and tear a piece off of it, wrapping the cloth around your arm. You start to walk through the big forest until you hear your name being called. "Y/N! Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!" You soon recognized the voice. "Joji?" You whisper to yourself. You started darting through the trees and followed the voice. "Joji?"
You run up to him, hugging him tightly.
"I thought I lost you in the plane crash. I was so worried. I would kill myself if I knew you weren't alive. I love you, Joji."
"I love you, too, Y/N."
We made it out alive. We beat life itself.
We start to try and find the plane.
"Joji! Over here!"
He runs up to me, his face full with dread.
We both look at the demolished plane. Joji finds the door and he beckons me to come with him. We beat the door down and we go in, blood covering everything. I gasp and all of the color drains from our faces. In the cockpit, one of the pilots are headless and the other was stabbed in the chest with a piece of metal. We walk through the doors leading to first class, seeing no survivors. By now I was on the edge of breaking down to cry. Tears started to form in my eyes and they roll down my face, and I start to silently sob while going through the plane. I walk to where we were sitting in the first class and open the compartment where we kept our carry-ons. Surprisingly, our stuff wasn't demolished in the plane crash. I get out our backpacks and hand Joji his. We open them, calling whoever we can to help us.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"Yes, ma'am we were in a plane crash and it is in the middle of a forest."
"I think I know where you are. Are there mountains around?"
I start to get out of the plane and look around outside. You see tall, grayish mountains.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Great. Help is on the way."
She hangs up and you walk toward Joji.
"We are being rescued."
You suddenly notice Joji limping.
"What happened to your leg, Joji."
He shrugs and looks at his bloodstained pant leg. He rolls it up carefully, revealing a huge gash.
"Oh my god! How did you not feel that?"
"I was too worried about you to think about me."
You tend to his gash and he notices the cloth wrapped around your arm.
"What happened to your arm?"
You take it off, showing him the gash in your arm.
"Are you okay?"
You nod your head and finish wrapping the cloth around his leg you ripped off from your hoodie. You sit on a big boulder with him, big enough for the two of you. You lay your head in his lap, falling asleep while he stroked your hair.
A/N: ha you thought they died. I wrote this in school in theatre class lol. Hope you enjoyed it Filthy Faggots
❤️ Ava

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