I got tagged again.

19 8 10

It's the HAPPY tag, and Idk why it put that in caps,

Favorite color: Turquoise
Favorite Band: Fall Out Boy
Favorite Singer: Halsey
Favorite TV show: Expedition Unknown
Favorite Video Game: Overwatch or Skyrim, maybe Destiny.
Favorite Actress: Jennifer Lawrence
Favorite Actor: Dwayne The Rock Johnson (when I tried typing Dwayne it autocorrected it to death omg)
Favorite Movie: Warcraft (Call a nerd bitch, I don't care)
Favorite book: The Hunger Games
Favorite Friend irl: My friend (who I had a crush on) and imsojoshdunwithpuns and My other friend who appreciates gays, but is straight.
Fav wattpad friend: anxietyattheclub123 or CrazyBandAddict or Undertale_Garbage UGH I LIKE ALL OF YOU ITS A HARD DECISION, and don't forget Kay_Likes_Pie or beebobinski or -starlesscity or arianastump or Silver_Galaxy890 or xTheDarkBrotherhoodx or Gigglykittensforever (your awesome IRL anyways bruh)

Well, this is long enough. Bye!!

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