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Lately you had been rather suspicious about your boyfriend (or mate in his words) whereabouts. You had rarely seen him the last month or so, and you started to expect the worst, like he might be doing things behind your back. Can Vulcans do that? Is it even in their nature? You had no idea. You decided to consult this with him later, when he got back (whether he is doing the thing you thought he was, no if he can).

The Vulcan walked into your shared quarters after his shift to find you sitting on the couch, reading what he knew was your favourite.

''Good evening (Y/N). How was your day?''

''Great Tuvok, how was yours?''

''Good. You look like there's something on your mind. What is it?''

''Let me get straight to the point. Tuvok, are you cheating on me?''

He looked surprised, but replied anyway.

''Why would you ask that? How did she find out?''

The last bit was murmured, yet you still caught it.

''I can't believe it! Be by yourself for a while, that's how you left me! Alone, wondering where you have been for the last month! I now see where you were!''

With this you grabbed the bag of your things you had packed just in case and stormed out. You sprinted down to the bridge and smoothed out your uniform before stepping through the doors.

Only Paris,  Seven, Harry and Janeway  were sitting/standing at their posts. They all knew you well, and were the family you had grown to love and trust, even if you were half-vulcan. The captain notices your tear-stained face and is immediately worried.

''What happened (Y/N)? Are you OK?''

''Oh, just that Tuvok's been cheating on me for a month now and i need new quarters, if that's OK.''

A very loud chorus of  m-rated words came out of the mouths of the people on the bridge, except Seven, who stood there looking shocked. Janeway walked over wearing a straight face and handed you a piece of paper with a code on it.

''For your new quarters.''

You nodded and left behind the bridge,  its surprised occupants and your old personality.

Le time skip

Over the next few weeks, you became cold and un-trusting to anyone but the main bridge crew. You barely spoke unless needed to, which was the total opposite to  the usual bounce, cheer and good nature you usually had. You took every chance to leave the ship as possible, so Kathryn assigned you to all away-missions there were.

You were on one now, but, sadly, with only Tuvok to accompany you. He tried to talk but you ignored or interrupted him, talking on your comm.

You also ignored him screaming for you too move, but he was too late. A tonne of rocks fell from the slope above you. The next thing you knew you were sitting in sickbay next to some man you had never met before.

''(Y/N). You're awake.''

He didn't say it with any facial expressions or any enthusiasm at all. This made you rather surprised, for a reason you didn't know. 

''And you are...''

A shocked look crossed his features before going to hide in his mind. A very confident woman walked into sickbay.

''Kathryn, who is this man? What is he doing here and why does he know my name?''

''You don't know who Tuvok is? But you know who i am?''

The doctor walked in.

''It seems her brain has taken some damage, which would be suspected, as that sort of accident should have killed (Y/N). She has amnesia, for the moment at least. It seems she has only forgotten Tuvok though.''

Le time skip

You were talking to Tuvok in the mess-hall, who you had learned was actually a very nice man, for a Vulcan at least. You two had become inseparable lately, which was good for Tuvok, who had wanted a second chance.

 You suddenly felt a large throbbing in your head and fell out of your chair in shock. Tuvok instantly picked you up bridal style and sprinted towards sickbay.

You lay there, jerking on a bio-bed for a while before you sat up, gasping. 

''I remember you Tuvok! I remember you now! Wait..... you cheated on me? How could you do that?''

''I didn't. I thought you had found out my plan.''

''Your plan for what?''

The doctor decided to come in now and reply for Tuvok.

''His plans for proposing!''

''Proposing? That's why everyone was so surprised when i told the you were cheating on me!''

Tuvok sheepishly (or as sheepishly as a Vulcan could) pulled a small black box out of his uniform pocket.

''(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?''

Let's just say you're married now.

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