The Monster That Broke Free

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Hi, everyone. It's been a while, right? I just want to say thank you for sticking with me. This book isn't edited, and so there are many grammatical errors that have me cringing. I will go back after this is finished.

I am also going to release a new book and want you to tell me which you enjoy more. I love this book, but I feel as if I need to think it out more. This other one, in my opinion is just better. I hope you all like it as much as I do.

No remorse, no shame, not compassion, no empathy. I refused to connect with anyone around me, I was changing and I couldn't stop it. But the worst part was that I felt good about it, that I was happy that this change had washed away my slate of good behaviour, now I was beginning to realise just how uninterested I was being the secured good guy.

Now, I didn't want to be the bad guy, no, simply the in-between, the one who gets to lie and be cunning without being hunted. It was something of a pleasure to be the neutral, and I was beginning to understand why I joined the Death Dealers.

I would need to hunt down this so called Fescha person, to understand all parts of my old self. It would be a bloody battle, but a revenge story worth recording. Not to mention amusing in a way, it would keep me busy.

I entered the council room. All members had been assembled, Salem sat solemnly opposite Marte as she spoke, "There will be a change-" Marte stopped herself as she saw me, I rose an eyebrow,
"Yes, ma'am?"
"Leto, you're awake, Salem told me you were speaking with Silas, I was about to send Decim."
"Why? We were only discussing my memories, there was little to no point in worrying." I smiled sweetly, taking my seat beside Salem. Satan sat in the place of Lucifer. His eyes set hard on me, a glint of something unreadable. Marte looked at me, her veiled face could only hold concern.
"Leto, I am going to ask you a question, what did you see?"
"My death, Fescha and my previous training," I tipped my head to the side innocently, but there was an upwards curve I just couldn't completely demolish.
"I mean no offense, however, there is something tainted about you, like previously, it's smaller than last time, but... are you sure that's all?"
"I'm sure ma'am." I answered truthfully, she moved her gaze away,
"Alright then," there was no need to lie, I would only fake those who couldn't directly look into my soul.

I paid little attention to the meeting, my concentration was faraway, thinking about my next move. More cases had been sent out, I left the council room when no-one else said anything more. I entered my office with very little recollection of the journey there. I smiled devilishly as I pondered. I would escape, that was the easy bit, but where to? Syrebel seemed reasonable. I would stay with her until the Dead Boys were convinced, then it would be whoever tried to stop them.

I wasn't all surprised by Silas, I had tried to convince myself, look at the good and avoid the bad, now that I was back to my older self, or at least, getting back to my older self. He could be as cold and ruthless as he wanted. We would have many people trying to stop us.

The question came to mind, what would we be? We were eliminating a major threat to the system, yet, it was outside the law means, vigilante perhaps? I wouldn't disagree with that, there was a certain ring to it, and the aspect of having people in favour of the cause mildly entertained me. I wasn't really doing it for the greater good, more for my own... reasons, though, the plan wasn't secured, it could still go wrong, cynical or what.

With a sigh, I dropped down into my seat. It was more stressful than it should have been.

The last time I had sat down in that seat, Lucifer had come rushing through the door, panting and red in the face, telling me I needed to visit Guntan. It wasn't that I was spiteful about it, I actually wanted to praise him, but there was a small part of me wishing I had just sat there, claiming I was too busy. However the more I thought about it, the more I was swayed into thinking that Lucifer would have dragged me there, screaming and kicking.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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