Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Jack

Jack rested his staff against the ice castle's wall, before returning to stand in his previous place.
"I've missed this, Jack" Elsa said with a smile. Warmth spread through his heart and he couldn't help but return the expression.

"I've missed you." He replied. He slipped his fingers into the gaps between hers and brought one hand up to his lips. He kissed her knuckles, softly, leaving a delicate little patch of frost. Elsa just blushed and looked to the ground.

"I wish my duties weren't so demanding. I'm constantly doing things for the Kingdom while Anna and Kristoff get to spend so much time together."

"I know it's hard but you do so well." He gave her hands a comforting squeeze, "I wish it could be different too but no matter what, I will always be there for you, Elsa. Got that?" She nodded but seemed low-spirited. He wrapped his arms around her; she let her head rest on his chest. They stood, savouring the embrace.

"Jack?" She said in a small voice that was only slightly louder than a whisper.

"Yeah?" He replied as he loosened his arms to look down at her.

"Do you...Do you uhm-"

"Do I love you? He interrupted the murmur. Her heartbeat began to race and her face became flushed with a sweet pink.

"I-uhm..." she swallowed for a moment, "mhmm." Jack tilted her chin up with a cold finger. With the other hand he took one of hers and placed it over his heart. As he held it in place, she could feel his heart pounding just as hard as hers was. She let out a longer breath, relaxing as a result of what this touch had shown her. They searched each other's eyes for a moment. "Yes." Jack whispered, as if he didn't want to break the comfortable silence. "I love you." He leant down, his breath ghosting centimetres away from her lips as he noticed tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. A cold tear rolled down her cheek. He pulled the sleeve of his hoodie over his hand and wiped it away. "Hey," he said in low tone but still trying to sound reassuring, "What is it? Talk to me." He drew her closer, by the waist and cradled her cheek in his hand. He kept his eyes focused on her face. Her eyes were closed tightly and her lips pursed.

"I've never forgotten what they called me." Her eyes remained closed as she spoke. Jack wasn't sure exactly what had happened to her after her coronation. He knew it was a nerve that he shouldn't strike.

"Oh, Elsa." He bit is lip, hating the fact he didn't know how to help. Elsa opened her eyes but didn't look to Jack's face. She just stared into the blue of his hoodie in front of her.

"A monster." She breathed, shakily.

"N-No, Els. No." Jack stammered, shaking his head and trying his best to hold back his own tears. He'd known what it felt to be lonely; How it felt to be isolated; How it felt not to know love. Then Elsa finally looked up and into his eyes. She took a deep breath.

"I didn't think anyone would ever love a monster."

"I do love you. I love you", Jack said without hesitation, "But you're not a monster." He gave his best effort to blink away his tears but couldn't prevent a couple from falling. He let out a laugh with the breath he didn't know he'd been holding in. He clutched her body against his, rubbing her back soothingly. She threw her arms around his neck, stroking his shaggy white hair. Jack closed the gap between their lips. As their mouths collided, ice seeped from their hands. Elsa's fingertips left frost on the tips of the hair on the nape of his neck and Jack's hands spread icy patterns on Elsa's back. She pulled back from the tender kiss.

"I love you too."

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