Flappin' Them Jacks

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|POV Third Person|

Rhys woke up at around 4 AM to go to the bathroom. After doing his business, Rhys went back to bed and stared at Jack, who was sleeping next to him. Laying there for a while, Rhys made a horrible realization; he was hungry.

No, not that kind of hungry. He just needed food right now. Sheesh, you dirty minded fangirls.

He stood up to see what there was to eat. He was a horrible cook, unlike Jack, so he looked for some leftovers he could heat up. Unfortunately, after digging through the fridge and the freezer, he found nothing. Rhys opened the cupboard and found something that saved his life that day: cereal.

Rhys grabbed a bowl and some milk from the fridge carefully, trying not to wake Jack. He gently put those items on the table and grabbed a spoon. Of course, with Rhys's luck, the spoon ended up falling to the ground with a loud CRASH!

"Shit!" Rhys whispered to himself and picked the spoon up immediately. He went to check on Jack to make sure the noise didn't wake him. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he heard the older man snoring loudly.

Rhys went over to the bowl and poured milk into it. He laughed to himself silently, remembering how much Jack hates the fact that Rhys pours the milk before the cereal. Well, at least I don't eat the friggin crust first when eating pizza, Rhys thought as he closed the milk gallon and opened the cereal box.

As he poured the cereal into the bowl of milk, the unthinkable, the impossible, the unimaginable thing happened. Rhys's cereal lit on fire.

"Is this.. Are you kidding!?" He whispered angrily, still trying not to wake Jack. Rhys poured milk on the fire in an attempt to stop it, but instead made it worse. Suddenly, water was thrown from behind Rhys, stopping the fire and leaving burnt cereal. Rhys turned around to see Jack smirking with an almost emptied water bottle in his hand.

"Jack, I'm sorry for waking you up," Rhys began to apologize, but was interrupted.

"Nah, it's fine," Jack observed how much water was left in his bottle. "I can finally be.. the one."

"Jack, what are you talking--" Rhys was interrupted once again by Jack flipping the bottle, and the bottle actually landed upright. Rhys cringed and facepalmed when he saw his husband dab. "Not you, too.."

"But, Rhysie," Jacks lips curled to a smirk, and Rhys knew exactly the words Jack was going to say.. "I AM THE ONE THE ONE--"

"Jack, stop," Rhys continued to cringe at Jack.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted. Anyway, now that we're both awake, and seeing as how you're probably starving, I'll make my signature pancakes. Or should I call them.."



Rhys facepalmed at his idiot of a husband once again. "God damn it, Jack."

"Hehe, you know you love me," Jack teased, grabbing Rhys by the waist and pulling him closer.

"You're right, I do," Rhys leaned in to give Jack a peck on the lips, making the older man blush.

"Rhysie, why are you so perfect?"

"I don't know, but god I'm hungry."

"Right, let me get to making those flap--"

"Please stop calling them that."

"Fine, but only for today, kay pumpkin?"

"That's fine, just make my fucking pancakes already."

"Damn it, cupcake, I love you."

"I love you, too, Handsome."

Yeah I'm cringing too I'M SO SORRY I'M TRASH!!!    ~Noodle🍲😇

Edit: Ded meme 2k16-2k16

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