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Carolina's POV :

Carolina's POV :

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"Hey mum" I yell as I walk through the door.

  "Carolina?" she yells from the kitchen and I start making my way there "Hello stranger" She says sarcastically. She standing there with her back facing me, mixed something in a pot

I come up behind her and I wrap my arms around her, bending over slightly because of her small figure "Hm, hi"

"Where have you been. It been weeks" She says turning around and heading to the cupboard and picking up some spices

"Well, shits been happening" I say whilst dropping my bag of the counter top

She turns her head slowly and looks at me "Don't swear" I roll her eyes at her comment then jump up to sit on the counter top next to my bag. "How was your day"

"Ok, I guess. I had a shoot"

"How was that?" She quizzes

"Good I guess" I answer whilst shrugging

"So is that the 'shit' that's apparently been happening? Because I wanted something some good tea" She says whilst heading back to the pot she was stirring

I laugh "Please stop watching Love & Hip-Hop" I say. Then she turns to me and pulls Stevie J's signature rat face and I burst out laughing "Oh my gosh"

"Why didn't you bring Aubrey?"

"He flew out to New York this morning" I say, slight sad about it

"Oh okay. How long for?"

"He said for like 5 days" I murmur

"So what's going on?"

"Is Daya in?" I ask

"No she went out a couple hours ago" She says as she turns on the stove

"Okay, so the weirdest thing happened last night, Abel turned up at my apartment" I say whilst crossing my legs on the counter top

She turns and leans on the counter and faces me with shock all over her face. "What?"

"I know! I mean he hasn't spoken to me since, you know. Then he just all of sudden turns up. So obviously I was like, super stunned"

"Did he look good?"

"How is that relevant?" I say whilst furrowing my brows, why the fuck would she ask that irrelevant question

"I mean, if he looked good then he made an effort. But if he didn't look good then..." She says thinking she makes sense

"Ok, whatever. He looked good" I mean; Abel looks good 95% of the time anyway so it doesn't mean anything

"Hm. You really shouldn't be saying other men are good looking when you have a fiancé" she says with a smirk

"Mum, that's not funny, you literally just asked me that question" I say getting irritated, I'm not in the mood for her jokes right now

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