Chapter 1: New Girl

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"But seriously," Amanda, one of my best friends started with her questions. "How do you not see anything in him? You have to at least think he's cute, come on!"

I rolled my eyes, but not in an annoyed way so she thinks I'm annoyed with her or anything. "I don't know a thing about either one of them,"

"I agree with you, Kat," Jason said, "I don't see anything in them either,"

Amanda rolled her eyes at him, "You're a guy - that isn't gay, why on earth would you be into him anyway?"

He shrugged, "I dunno, but he seems to have my best friends under a spell." He said, wrapping one of his arms around Amanda. They're not dating, even though it really seems like it. Plus, Amanda is always talking about this guy Josh, who I learnt is like, the most popular guy in the school or whatever. I've never really met the guy, but he seems to be some type of god or something, based on the way Amanda is talking about him.

She slapped his hand, and he quickly moved it, glaring at her in the process, but in a joking way of course. "Best friend," I corrected. "Only she likes him, I don't."

"I know," He sighed, very pleased about the fact that I don't drool over him like Amanda does. It's not like it's annoying or anything, it's kind of amusing and cute how much she talks about him. "That's why I like you more,"

"Hey! I'm right here!" Amanda exclaimed from beside him.

"Well she doesn't hit me!" He defended, causing Amanda to stick her tongue out at him, which he returned. The two of them were both such idiots, it's unbelievable how they even get along with each other. Most of the time spent in lunch, they'd argue about pointless things and Amanda would keep wondering how I don't see anything in Josh Bliss. Honestly, I don't think I would ever like him; popular kids are just stuck up, thinking the world worships them.

Amanda, Jason and I continued light conversation about how the school needs to at least put in a vending machine or something. Amanda loathed all cafeteria food, and refused to eat any of it. So instead, she'd drink water and be okay for the rest of the day. She says if the school puts in a vending machine, she would buy a snack or something. I figure she at least has breakfast, so it wasn't a bother. I don't know Amanda too well, Jason either. I just came to this school a week ago, and my first friend was Amanda who just happened to be friends with Jason. So now - after a week - we're best friends. I've made more friends, but they were by far the nicest. So I was much closer with them, which I suppose is a good thing, since we're in the same class for practically every subject.

After lunch was over, Jason - the only one who actually eats - threw his extra food away and followed Amanda and I to class. "So no feelings at all? Not even the tiniest bit?" Amanda pondered, trying again, just as she always would.

"No," I laughed. "Why do you want me to like him anyway?"

"Because I need someone to talk to about him with, who can actually interact and enjoy the conversation. And Jason is no help; you're all I have left." She explained to me, in a playfully whiny voice.

I rolled my eyes again (I'm doing that a lot today), "You can talk about him as much as you want to, it doesn't bother me." I told her, just as we turned into class.

"We will continue this conversation later," She told me, making her way to her assigned seat.

"Bye Jason," I said in a low tone, making him roll his eyes. I laughed and walked to my seat at the back of the class. I sat next to some weird nerd named Nelson. He was seriously super gross; he picks his nose and wipes it all over his shirt and desk. I'm so annoyed by sitting next to him; it makes Math my least favourite subject in the world. It was the best, until I met him. I think it's only my favourite because I'm really good at it and it's super easy.

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