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My name is Silver Estelle Montgomery Hails.

Every morning, I wake up to which could be classified as the flashiest mansion known to Hertfordshire. It sat atop a hill, lying in one of the swankiest estates in the city.

I've been taught that life is what you make of it. I'd like to think I was carefree, naughty you could say. But if there is one thing I would never do, it's to disobey my principles.

I have a family who loves me, one that shows me that the sweetest fruit is only made after you've gone through the work to reap it. They were the only people I'd known, for I did not make much friends.

Well, until recently.

I had met a boy who would potentially change my life forever. His name is Harry Styles. He was a trailblazer. One with the kindest of hearts-well, kind enough to go through all the distress that came along trying to break the shackles that made up mine.

I'd say I was blessed, if it weren't for circumstances that put me in this position in the first place.

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