Part 1:

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whatever did it mean by '14 days left?!?!' and for what????? well anyways i don't even care, *Omg....the freaking dumb picture though....i think i'm gonna die from laughing so hard, LOL!!!!!* or maybe i probably don't even wanna know "14 days left huh, oh i wonder what it could mean for me....well hopefully it doesn't mean that i'll get killed off before i had my new family and getting married yet....because it would've meant i had missed my chance to live my eternity & that won't be a good thing at all!!!!!" i said to myself nervously "oh yeah, that's correct you will get killed off before any of that stuff will happen for poor mortal human!!!!!" Silver told himself; 'HAHA do you really think that your gonna kill me off so damn easily if i let you????? there is no chance that will happen for you.....what an idiot!!!!!!' i replied to myself in my head and giggled softly because of what i've just overheard him saying. (it actually came out all of a sudden, i also didn't expect it coming out either.....because it may have caught me by surprise as well!!!!!!) "Fine by me, i don't even wanna live like this anymore....but just let me say it first....i did actually love my life & all of that bull-crap, but my time is coming eventually!" i told myself

14 Days Left: Lost Silver X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now