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Ashely's POV: My arms and legs were chained to the wall as I was repeatedly being punched. In the face and the stomach, I was lucky enough I didn't throw up. I didn't even know this man who was doing this to me, kind of. I was just walking home from my early day job when I felt something hard hit my head, blacked out, and then woke up chained up in a dark room with windows in it then when I saw him with a masked face and all, he started beating the living crap out of me.

He stopped punching me, and waited. I don't know what he was waiting for, but he just stood there. Waiting. When he seemed to wait too long, he kicked me in the side which made the chains brake, sending me to the floor. As my face touched the ground, I felt something wet. Forgetting the pain, I brought my arm up to my face, touched the wet spot, and looked at my hand. I saw blood, and if he kept doing this to me I would loose too much. He threw me up against the wall, and I slid down.

As my brown hair covered my face when I looked down, I felt him kneel in front of me. "Do you know why you're here, my darling?" he said in a deep, fearful voice. Before I could answer, he kicked me across the room. "I brought you here as bait." he said across the room. "And as soon as my target gets here and I get rid of them," he kneeled down and made a tip of a gun touch my head. "I'll do the same to you, after what you've done to me." just when I was about to speak, I heard people crash through a window and a couple shards of glass hit me.

As everything fell silent, a boy, seeming around my age, spoke up. "Slade." he said in a glaring voice. My eyes widened as I heard his name. Oh. My. God. He only laughed and said, "I knew you would come for me, Robin and his Titans." As soon as he said his last word, he picked me up by the throat and held me in the air. "I guess you're here for, this." as I began to wheeze, Robin took a step forward. "Don't hurt her." he said with a harsh voice. Slade chuckled. "You sound like I'm actually going to listen."

Just as Robin started to run towards me, Slade took out his gun and pointed it at me. "Don't, come any further." he said in a calm voice. Robin stopped in his tracks and froze while looking at the gun pointing at my head. It's like he went into his own little world. When he seemed to be out of his little trance, he made his face expressionless, and stared at Slade. "It's pointless Robin," he said as he started to walk away. "I already won." before Slade went away from the Titans the one seeming to be StarFire, spoke up. "Robin, we cannot just walk away, we must---" Robin began to scream while running towards me and him. Just as Slade was about to shoot Robin, I was able to kick him in the face as he fired. When he fired we both fell to the ground, and everything went silent.

Why was Robin doing everything himself? I thought to myself, still on the ground. As I heard Slade get up Robin started to yell. "How could you do this to an innocent girl?!" "Innocent?! She's anything but---" I cut him off by throwing a random object at him, but he caught it and smashed it with his hand. Just as I was about to run, I began to feel pain in my shoulder. When I looked at it, it had a bullet hole in it and was covered in blood. I covered my open wound and ran out into the rainy city. I heard someone holler for me to come back, but I just kept running.

After a while I slowed down into a walk and listened to the pitter-patter of rain falling onto the ground. I looked around and saw I was nearing a park. As i sat down on a bench, i started to feel a bit light headed from the blood loss. Keep your mind straight! Don't focus on the pain from your wound. Your strong, your brave! You are better than this! After a couple of minutes of telling myself not to give in, I finally did. I laid down on the bench for what felt like an hour. I started to hear things but, I might just be hallucinating because of all the blood I lost. When my vision started to blur and the world seemed like it was spinning, the noises were getting louder. The noises were so close it sounded like it was right behind me. I closed my eyes for a little bit, and when I opened them I saw 5 figures. One of the figures said something then picked me up. I was about to say something but the darkness overtook me.

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