Freezing Fire

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Hey guys! I'm back. And btw this chapter is a fanfiction to "Teen Titans" ONLY. NOTHING ELSE. Not to give out spoilers or anything :3 Enjoy!

As the fire alarms went off, BeastBoy turned into a cat and hid under Cyborg; which had an umbrella over his head. But the water wasnt falling. Raven looked up at Cyborg. "Cyborg, why is there no water?" She asked, sounding a bit mad. He smiled guiltily as he put his hand behind his head and laughed. "About that.. Remember when I said I installed new ones? Well, I never did." As he said that, the fire began to spread to the living room. "Come on dude!" Yelled BeatBoy, as he came out from under him and turned back to himself. "Well excuuuuuse me!! I was tired! And you have no room to speak, BeastBoy! You wouldn't have done it either!" He shouted, crossing his arms. BeastBoy opened his mouth to protest, but closed it and shrugged.

Raven sighed angrily. "Guess I'm gonna have to do everything, AGAIN." She started to float up in the air while saying, "Azarath, Metrion, ZIN--" But she was cutoff by a piece of ceiling fell on her, sending her to the floor. "Raven!" I yelled, running to her and lifting the piece of ceiling. Her head was cracked open and bleeding. I checked her pulse, as everybody gathered around. I sighed in relief. "She's only unconcious. But her injury isn't going to help." I looked around and the fire was spreading more, and I looked at BeastBoy. "BeastBoy, carry Raven. We have to get out of here." He nodded in agreement, turned into a gorilla and held her in his hands.

As we ran around the tower looking for an exit that wasn't 15 stories high, the ceiling began to fall ontop of us. I coughed, squinting my eyes. Looking up ahead, and saw a door with a sign that said, 'STAIRS'.I was tring to decide wether or not my eyes were playing tricks on me. "Hey!" I called out, "does anyone else see the door?!" They all quickly looked up, one of them coughing. "Yeah!" Cyborg yelled. "Alright! Let's go!" We all started running to the door, but then some of the ceiling started falling infront of it. "We must hurry to get to the door!" Starfire yelled. We ran as fast as we could towards the door. I tripped on something, making me lag behind. As soon as I was going to go through the door, celing covered with fire collapsed infront of it. I started coughing as I backed up.

"Are you ok?!" Cyborg called through the door. I coughed a little more before answering, "Yeah, I'm fine! You guys go ahead and go! I'll find another way!" "Ok!" BeastBoy yelled. I quickly walked around, looking for an exit, when I started to hear someone coughing. It was coming from a room. "Hello?!" I yelled, "Is anyone there?!" The coughing continued as I entered the flaming room. The ceiling had collapsed and someone was buried in it. "Hold on! I'll save you!" I ran towards the pile of ceiling and started chucking it away. As I got it all off, I noticed who it was. It was Robin. "Oh my god, Robin! Are you ok?!" He started coughing, as I put his arm around my neck to help him walk. "I'm fine." He said, "Maybe just a few burns, but I'm fine." We started to walk towards the door, "We need to get out of here. I've already told everybody else to get out of here." "You did? Wow, you're a great leader." He said, starting to cough. "Really? You think?"

As we were about to walk out the door, it was covered in flames. "Oh no," I said backing up, "we're stuck." Robin let go of me and slid down the wall. "We're gonna die here." I said, eyes filling with tears. "It's ok." Robin said, making me look back at him. He patted the ground next to him, signaling for me to sit next to him. And I did. "We're not going to die here." He said looking at me. I put my head up against the wall, looking up at the ceiling. As I was about to say something, I felt him grab my hand. I looked down at our hands. And just as I thought, he was holding it. I looked up at him, blushing. "I promise." He said, in a reassuring voice. As I was lost in words, I felt both of us lean closer to each other.

Just as our lips were about to touch, there was a loud cracking noise. We both looked up quickly, seeing the ceiling cracking and about to collapse. And as I presumed, the ceiling began to fall towards us. "NO!!!" I yelled, putting my hands infront of my face and squeezing my eyes shut, trying to cover it from the ceiling. But as a couple minutes past, I didn't feel anything touch me at all. And it was cold. I peeked one eye open to see what had happened. There was ice covering both me and Robin. I looked at him, he was staring at the ice. "You," he began, "you saved me."

So, how do you guys like it now that I can actually update "Slades Mistake" more often? Idk about you, but I like it. More imagination put down and saved for eternity. Well, maybe not THAT long. Anyway, I hope to update more of this story soon. Later :3

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