Chapter 1

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It was nearly 4 o’clock and I was already late. You’d think that this late in the afternoon the coffee shop wouldn’t be so busy. I impatiently tapped my foot as the line finally moved forward and I placed my order. I couldn’t believe I was going to be late. Again. My phone rang springing me out of my thoughts just as my coffee was done.

“Hello?” I answered taking a cautious sip of the scorching coffee. “NINA WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?” I winced and looked around me as if the people in the coffee shop could hear my assistant yelling at me through the phone. Alexus was my assistant and also best friend which came in handy considering she’s the only person who can deal with my laziness and forgetfulness. “Sorry Lex I was out late last night and I forgot all about that stupid party tonight.” I apologized. “Stupid? It’s not stupid Nina! You know Ashley will chew you out if you don’t show.” I sighed because I knew she was right. Ashley was my bitch of a manager. I mean sure she helped me land my first major movie which really put me out there but she could also be a bit nicer.

 “Besides what were you out doing last night? Please tell me you weren’t with him.”

I could practically see her rolling her eyes. “His name is James and yes he took me out for a few drinks and we may have lost track of time no big deal.” James was my on again off again boyfriend. Lex thought I could do better. “Yeah well just get here already you need your hair and make-up done which is probably going to take a while.” Before I could protest she had already hung up the phone. I stuffed my phone back in my bag and braced myself before walking out of the coffee shop and into the cold London rain.


Even though over the past two years I’d met a bunch of celebrities I still got very nervous before these types of events. “Do you know who’s going to be here?” I asked Lex. We were sat in the back of the limo only a block away from the party. “Anyone who’s anyone is going to be there. That’s why Ashley really wanted you to go. So don’t seclude yourself in the back corner and drink up all the wine! Actually try and socialize!” She stressed. My palms were getting sweaty and I stopped myself before I could wipe them on my dress. It was a sleeveless red dress that went all the way down to my ankles. It was sexy even without revealing much.

“We’re here look you’ll be fine Nina. Someone you know might even be here or you’ll make new friends.” She tried reassuring me. I gave her the best smile I could muster up which probably looked more like a grimace. As I stepped out the limo the only thing I could hear were the shouts of the paparazzi. I always knew how to put on a fake smile for the camera. I just sang my favorite song in my head and posed for pictures and once the song was over that was my cue to leave. As soon as I walked into the party a drink was handed to me.  Did anyone even care if I was of legal drinking age? I shrugged and took a sip of it and skimmed the groups of people scattered around the room. I noticed a few familiar faces, but no one really came over to talk to me except a few people I’ve worked with before.

As time went on I became more bored and intoxicated. The party was picking up but it was hard to have fun all alone. “Fuck it.”  I thought “This vodka will be my friend.” and downed my drink. I scanned the crowd for the guy who was frequently passing out drinks but I couldn’t seem to find him.

I felt like the world had stopped. I heard his laugh before I saw him. All these years and I could never forget that laugh. I saw him from across the room but he spotted me before I could make a run for the door. “Nina? Is that you?” before I could do anything he was already in front of me smiling. “Hi Liam it’s uh- it’s been awhile.” I tried to shy away from his beaming smile. “No kidding it’s been almost 4 years!” Looking up at his big brown eyes brought back a flood of feelings I’d been trying to ignore for the longest. Of course I didn’t forget about him. How could I when his face is plastered on every magazine in every freaking store I walk in to. “I heard about your movie congratulations. I never really thought you would seriously go after your dream of being an actress you were always so shy.” I noticed the way his smile slowly faded. He must have been thinking about the past too.

“Look Liam I-” before I could finish a beautiful girl with long blonde hair came up and wrapped her arms around Liam’s waist. “Li where’d you go I was looking for you?” She whined in his ear. Then she looked over to me as if she just noticed I was there. “Oh who’s this?” She asked him but didn’t move her eyes away from me. It made me slightly uncomfortable. “This is Nina an old friend and Nina this is Kate my girlfriend.” Oh. “Nina Weston? Oh my gosh I knew you looked kind of familiar! I loved your new movie.” Kate gushed. I felt my cheeks heat up at the compliment. “Thanks. Um it was nice talking to you guys but I should probably go.” I said avoiding Liam’s steady gaze. I needed to get out of here I felt like I was going to puke and I wish I could blame it on all the alcohol. “No you should join us! Me, Li, and the rest of the boys are sat at a booth in the back. I could use another girl with me!” Kate pleaded. I really wanted to turn her down and it was obvious Liam probably wanted me to too but I couldn’t say no to her with her giving me puppy eyes like that. “Sure just for a little while.”

I never should have come to this stupid party.


Hi so this is the first chapter! I was gonna wait to post this until I had more but I wanted to get this out while it was fresh in my head. If you read this please vote/comment so I'll know if this is even worth updating or not. Thanks :)

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