Chapter 2

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We made our way to the back of the party with Kate hanging on to my arm chattering on and on about something I could care less about. It’s not that I didn’t like her it’s just weird to be talking to my ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend especially since deep deep down I knew I was still in love with him. “Took you long enough I thought you guys had left.” Harry said as we approached the booth they were sitting at. “And who’s this?” Harry said smiling at me. “I’m uh I’m Nina” I stuttered and felt my cheeks heat up. I’d met bigger artist than one direction but Harry was just sitting there smiling with his dimples. I looked over and noticed the rest of the band sitting there all smiling up at me.“Well Nina you can sit next me.” Harry said with a wink. I could feel my cheeks heat up even more and slid into the booth next to him. I looked up and noticed Liam wouldn’t even look my way. Great.

6 glasses of wine later or wait was it 8? I don’t remember but I was sufficiently drunk. After I got over being star struck by Harry and the rest of the guys I realized they were all pretty cool and well…normal. Louis kept us all laughing the whole night. “So Nina you never really told us how you knew Liam?” Niall asked taking a swig from his beer. “Oh um well I knew him back in high school I used to be his girl fr-” I started but Liam cut me off before I could finish. “Friend she uh she was just a friend from high school.” Liam interrupted. No one else really payed attention to his outburst except me. I guess everyone was either too drunk or just didn’t care. “Oh wow that’s cool! I bet you’ve got tons of embarrassing stories then? Liam doesn’t really talk about when he was in high school.” Kate asked.

I nervously laughed. “I’m sure he doesn’t.” I thought.  “Um maybe I can share them another time. I should probably get going.” I said grabbing my purse and standing up. “Oh of course here’s my number! We should definitely hang I out I get a bit lonely when the boys are on tour sometimes.” Kate motioned for me to give her my phone and she put in her number. “Well it was nice meeting you guys.” I said and began to walk away from the table before I felt Liam grab my arm. “I’ll walk you out.” He mumbled not even looking at me.

When we got outside I realized I didn’t have a jacket and it was freezing. “Here.” Liam said taking off his blazer and putting it over my shoulders. “Thanks I guess.” I mumbled and texted Lex to get here as soon as she could. We stood there in silence for what felt like hours but it was probably only a few minutes. “So Kate seems great. She seems to really have fit into your life perfectly. Better than I probably could have.” I don’t know why I said it. It was like my mouth was moving without my permission.  “Nina you know that’s not how I feel.” Liam sighed. “Really? Because you leaving me 16 and fucking pregnant shows exactly how you felt.” I yelled. I could feel old feeling starting to come back and my eyes were beginning to water. “Don’t you know I hate myself for that? Don’t you know if I could change it I would? I will never stop regretting what I did.” Liam yelled back at me. I could see him starting to get angry but I didn’t care. “Really? Then why did you just introduce me as your “friend” then Liam?” I accused him but he said nothing staring down at the ground avoiding my harsh gaze. At that same moment I saw Lex pull up to the curb. I yanked off his jacket and threw it at him. “Fuck you Liam.” I walked angrily and didn’t look back.


“Do you wanna talk about it?” Lex and I were curled up on my couch with popcorn, ice cream, and Netflix. The perfect remedy to help put this night behind me. I sighed “No not really. I just wish I would have known he was going to be there.” I whispered.  Lex wrapped her arms around me and told me to try and get some sleep. I wish I could have but my mind wouldn’t stop thinking about Liam Payne.

A/N I know this chapter is really short but I just wanted to post something today. I'm going to try to update everyday.

The next 2 chapters will finally reveal all the details of Liam and Nina's past relationship if you're a bit confused! Please vote/comment I'd really appreciate it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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