Playlist Live

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Playlist live day!

"Oh my kittens it's playlist live day!" I hop out of the bunk and yell super loud only to find everyone was awake already.

"Final Kayla's awake." Jaime says laughing while eating a pop tart.

"Shut up." I say taking it and shoving it into my mouth.

"My pop tart."

I rush over to the trash can and spit it out, "What flavor is this?"

"Frosted Blueberry."

"Yuck! Who eats frosted blueberry?"

"I do!"

"I need to change, please don't kill Drake while I'm gone."

"Can do."

I head over to our bus and change into my skinny jeans with tears, red band, and superman shirt with the cape. Cat eyes, lip gloss, stud earnings, purfume, bracelets, braid, and superman phone case.


At Playlist (Kayla's camera cx)

As soon as we walk in I see Dan and Phil, I really do hope Drake knows I am joking when I see my youtubers and want to have their babies. Wait what! Never mind, must meet Dan and Phil.

"Ahh, Ahh, oh my god, its Dan and Phil."

"Come on." Drake drags me to the line to meet them."

"Okay um hi!"

"Helloooo." They both say.

"I love you guys."

"Aww we love you too." Phils say.

"I wonder what you taste like."

"Wait what?" Dan freaks.

"I joke I joke. Anyway I love you bye'" I say walking back awkwardly.

"I totally just messed up."

"I'm sorry babe."

"It's okay,I got this autograph and I'm tattooing it to my forehead. Oh and she met them too."

"Ahh vlogging!" She hides her face.


"Ok! We're here with Joey Graceffa."

"Why hello there! I'm here!" He says with a weird voice and making a piece sign with his hands.

"Oh my god he's so adorable!"

"Why thank you!"


"Hi! So this is Christian Novelli and he's awesome. Wait is that a tattoo?"

"It is."

"What is it?"

"Oh it's a thing. I don't know,I just woke up and it was there."

"Oh that happen."

"I have this and some Pocky." He says waving a box of Pocky and a flower.

"That's very cool."

"Also you have a very cool shirt."

"Ah thank you!"

"I think it's just my voice it makes it hard to say things."



"So this is Cyr, he is awesome."

"We're having a grand time."

"Of course we are."

"I like your shirt."

"I like your hair, it's better than mine.Okay bye!"



"Okay so Matt's here."


"And he's like all awesome and stuff. And oh my god he's real! Also his hair is red."

"Kayla did you not think he was real?" Drake ask.

"Shut up! Wait, what does it say on your shirt?"

"Oh, it says poo poo, pee pee, throw up."

"Oh that's just."

"I wore it just for the occasion."

"Now we're on a hunt for Deefizzy! Bye!"


"Okay so here's Damon!

"I love her so much! She is like so lucky she can hang out with bands all day!"

"Oh my gosh! I love your shirt bye the way."

"I love yours!"

"Anyway! Um yea bye!"


In lobby

Ahhh, I'm so freakin tired!

"Carry me?" I ask.

"Sure." Drake says bending down so I can ride on his back.

"Yay I'm finally tall."

Suddenly a girl with blue hair walks into us.

"Omg, omg omg! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay. We don't have to be to the buses till 8:00 you didn't stop us."

"Wait what?"

"I'm Kayla Monroe!"

"Natasha Zagadka. Your name is very familiar."

"I don't know."

"Haha anyway, you seam super awesome, wanna hang out sometime?"

"Well Kellin told me not to talk to freaks, but you don't look like a freak. Sure!"

"Did you say Kellin? As in Kellin Quinn?"


"Now you seam cooler. Text me!" She says giving me a paper.


"One more month."

"One more month!" Drake repeats.

"I'm gonna miss you."

"You too!"

I kiss him on the cheek and start waking back from the parking lot. Dang flabit! Why do goodbyes have to be hard? Oh God my inner hillbilly was coming out.

Suddenly I was pulled behind a car and a rag was put over my mouth.

"Oh Kayla! You have no idea what Jayy has gotten you into." I hear Miranda's voice.

I try to fight it but I can't. and that was the last thing I remember before I black out.

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