Crying On The Curb

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"Styles." I said from shock. Styles looked up and saw me standing there at the door and looked at me in disbelief.

The feeling that I was feeling right now was like no other feeling I was feeling hate, Anger, sadness, disbelief, shock and pain all at the same time.

He cheated on me.

"Tori." He said getting out of the bed with the sheet still wrapped around him.

The tears spilled down my face. I've never been so upset. I really never even had a real boyfriend he was basically my first and he cheated on me.

"It's not what it looks like... well it is but I'm drunk tori please you have to understand." Styles said moving closer to me.

I took a step back and we looked at each other for a while before I ran out of the room.

He didn't even bother to follow me. He just stayed in the room.

I was out of the house by now and I ran out Into the street and sat on the edge of the curb and put my face into my hands and cried.

He broke my heart.

I had sat there for a while. Just sat there crying on the curb. Until I heard footsteps walking across the street and I looked up to see clay walking towards me and then he sat down next to me.

I rested my head on his chest and I felt his heavy breathing against my ear.

"Jesse told me what happened I hope your ok Tori." He said.

I didn't reply for a while. Until I finally decided to talk "I'm not ok Clay." I said truthfully.

"I'm sorry Tori... I'm really really sorry."

We sat there silent for a long time. I just left my head on his chest and we sat here together In the cold dark night.

I loved how he wasn't asking me questions or saying how much of a douche Styles was cause I know that now.

"Want me to drive you home now?" He asked softly. I nodded then we got up and walked to his car.


We got to my house and we walked up my steps and into my house. "I don't want to walk up the stairs." I said as I threw myself onto the couch.

I then felt clay gently put a blanket on me and then he tucked me in.

"Thank you." I said. "Anything for you tori goodnight." He said then picked up his jacket that was on the chair and opened my door and was about to leave until I stopped him.

"Wait! Clay can you stay with me." I asked politely.

"Of course Tori." He said then put his jacket back down and took a seat on the end of the couch. I patted next to me hinting that he should lay down.

He then laid down next to me and our bodies were right next to each other's.

It always helps me to sleep when I have someone next to me that's why I still sleep with my large stuffed hippo Ralph.

After spending a long time thinking about styles I eventually felt my eyes begin to close and I let myself fall asleep.


The next day I woke up realizing it was Sunday I was glad I didn't have school after such a long terrible night. I then realized clay wasn't next to me. I lifted my head up and saw him In the kitchen making something. I smiled then got off the couch.

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked walking into the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water and filling it up and taking a large sip.

"Cooking Breakfast for you. Eggs and Toast." He said giving me a smile then sliding the eggs onto the plate And grabbing the toast from the toaster.

"Oh my god that's so sweet thanks clay." I said giving him a hug from behind.

"Woah what's going on in here." Reid said walking downstairs from his room.

"Yeah what's going on." My dad said walking into the kitchen and startling me.

"Clay was making breakfast for me and him. he slept over last night." I said. Clay has slept over before my dad is fine with it.

"Can you make me some to." Reid said.

"Uh sure." Clay said grabbing more eggs from the fridge. I put my arm on his to stop him from grabbing the eggs.

"You don't need to make any for him." I said rolling my eyes at Reid. Then Reid shot me a glare.

"It's fine." Clay said then set the eggs on the counter.

"I thought you were sleeping with styles? Now clay to?" Reid said rudely.

"I'm not sleeping with clay we are just friends." I said then I was debating on whether I should tell them about styles or not. "And Styles cheated on me with his ex." I said bluntly.

"See I told you sis he's a douche." Reid said. "And I told you to. you better be done with that Frazer family now." My dad said.

"Who's his ex?" Reid asked. Oh crap I forgot Reid likes maya and they slept together. I wonder if he has true feelings for her. I don't want to hurt him

"It' maya." I said nervously. "I'm sorry Reid." I said as nicely as I could.

"It's fine whatever." Reid said then got off his chair and stomped loudly up the stairs.


I was in my room listening to sad music and occasionally crying. I was emotional right now.

I then saw my phone light up notifying me I had a text I went to see who it was from and it was from Donny.

Donny: hey wanna meet up? I heard what happened and I'm so sorry I just wanna talk and make sure your ok.

Donny was so sweet and I really wanted to start talking to him again.

Me: Yeah wanna meet up at grovers right now?

Donny: yeah I'll be there in 5

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