Please Don't Leave Me

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"I have been for a long time." Clay said.

I was speechless. I knew clay liked me I've know for a while but he's never admitted it to me before and now this is gonna change everything.

What if were not friends after this?

"Clay I don't know what to say." I said looking down at the ground.

"You don't have to say anything I just wanted to tell you bye Tori." Clay said then walked away.


I was at practice and all I could think about was clay.

Like we're probably not going to grovers anymore.

We might not even talk anymore.

I tried to talk to clay several times after what he said about being in love with me. But he just keeps ignoring me.

I didn't really feel like going to the movies with Donny or going to get pizza with Nolan.

So I just decided to tell them both that I couldn't go anymore instead of choosing between them.

"Water break everyone!" Coach Frazer yelled after blowing his whistle right in my ear.

"Hey Tori you seem a little out of it today are you alright?" Coach asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said then walked over to the bench to get my water bottle.

"Hey Donny?" I said getting donnys attention as he took a sip of water.

"Yeah?" Donny said.

"I'm sorry but I can't go to the movies tonight." I said.

"Why?" Donny asked as he ran a hand threw his gorgeous white hair.

"I have a doctors appointment that I forgot about." I said obviously lying.

"Oh raincheck?" Donny asked.

"Of course." I said smiling.


After practice I went home and took a quick shower then decided to call Nolan and tell him I couldn't get pizza with him.

I walked down stairs to grab my phone when I saw walker lying on the couch looking like he was dead.

"What's wrong Walker?" I asked.

"Sophia broke my heart."

"Who's Sophia?" I asked.

"She was my girlfriend."

"You never told me about her." I said.

"Cause you wouldn't like her." He said. "Why do you think I wouldn't like her?" I said.

"Cause she's Maya's sister."

Holy crap. The sister who Styles cheated on maya with.

"Oh." I said quietly.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She cheated on me."

"With who?" I asked.


"Are you serious?" I said very angrily. "Yeah."

I then grabbed my phone and jacket and opened the door of my house. "Where are you going?" Walker asked.

"The pizza place To smack Nolan across the face." I said then shut the door.


I walked angrily into the pizza place and looked for Nolan. I knew he was already here cause I still didn't cancel our date or whatever it was. I thought it was a date. I actually liked Nolan.

I then saw him at a booth and I walked over to him and he then looked up at me cause I stood right in front of him.

"Hey Pumpkin." Nolan said.

I then did what I came here to do. I slapped him across the face.

"Ow! What the hell was that for!" He said loudly.

"You have a girlfriend!" I yelled. "What! No I don't unless you consider that me and you are dating."

"I'm talking about Sophia."

"Who?" Nolan asked. "Sophia Martinez." I said.

"I don't know who that is." Nolan said. "Stop acting stupid. Walker told me that she cheated on him with you." I said.

"Fine you caught me." Nolan said as he stood up and looked at me in the eyes.

"I don't regret it though she was good in bed." Nolan said.

I then pushed him away from me and I left the pizza place. I guess he really was a asshole after all.

I'm glad that I found out the truth. It's not like we were really dating but we could have been in the future if I never found out about Sophia.

I then glanced down at my phone and saw I had a text.

Donny: Tori can we meet at Grovers it's an emergency I need to talk to you. Are you done at the doctors?

Me: yes I'll be right there.

Now I was really worried.


I got to grovers and quickly walked through the door to see Donny already there sitting at a table and running his hand threw his hair and looking nervous.

I walked over to the table he was at and sat down.

"Tori." Donny said looking down at the table. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked quickly.

He almost looked like he was on the verge of crying. He was silent for a while just looked down at the table and then he was shaking his head like he was mad at something.

He then finally looked up from the table and right into my eyes.

"Tori... I'm moving away."

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. For a second I didn't believe him but then I realized he was serious.

"No... no please tell me this isn't true why?" I asked.

"My dad got a job coaching a professional soccer team in California. I just found out after practice."

I felt like I could cry right now. Finding out that one of your close friends who you care about very much is moving away hurts like hell cause this means I might not ever see him again.

And I even would miss Styles and my coach. I would only miss Styles a little tiny tiny bit though.

"Donny please don't leave me."  I said as a small tear fell from my eye.

"I'm sorry Tori."

"When do you leave?" I asked. Looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"We only have a few days to pack cause my dad starts next week."

No please no I can't have him leave me. I was just about to start begging on my knees and crying and asking him to stay but Then an amazing idea popped in my head.

"Wait will your dad let you stay here if you find a place to stay?"

"I don't know if he will but where would I stay?"

"My house."

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